OK so decision made, found a Kimber, sold my child to pay for it, now just have to wait for the level where I can drive south to pick it up. Hate delayed gratification. Big thanks for everyone's input, great to be able to tap into the experience on here. there was a few options in the end and I just went with what I felt when I woke up this morning.
Be a month at least till I can pick it, will post some pictures soon as I have it. cheers
So have my new Kimber. Really happy with it. Its great to carry and shoot. Fits me fine even though I have long limbs. Weighs 2.96 kg with bolt in and suppressor on. The safety works well for me this was something I was worried about as it was one thing I didn't like on the cz 527, and the Kimber is a little different to what im used to being on the bolt. It does make a click if you push the safety to fire position without using two fingers but as its mainly a goat gun it isn't going to be an issue. Blind mag is great so easy to load and unload just pull the bolt back and push bullet back down into mag well, no dropping mag to replace bullet. Have carried the rifle for two days so far and just shot a couple goats, so haven't been in a situation yet of using the whole mag and needing to reload quickly might miss my magazines then but its effortless to feed new rounds in so just need an efficient way of accessing the reloads, just carrying spares loose in a pouch at the moment. There's a couple things about the bolt that look like after thousands of cycles might begin to wear but we shall see. Shes going to look second hand pretty quick but i bought it to use it so don't mind. Thanks for everyone's input. Happy hunting
thats a little minter.
I dont use the safetys on mine unless im unloading at the end of the hunt, for that its mint.
they have a sort of halfcock that if you pull the trigger it wont fire that I use when its in my hands and im stalking in rather than the safety
my dad was a goat culler with the old sako/tikka 222s and everything they did including working big mobs were fed from the top like the kimber
he said the trick was once you are in your ideal shooting position you lay all your bullets out in front of you so they are ready when you need them
he would shoot massive mobs
Glad everything planned out.
Remove 1-2 baffles on the suppressor & shoot the rifle... not too much change in sound but obviously the more baffles removed the louder it becomes.
Hot barrels
Has anyone had any dealings with the Henry Long Ranger lever action rifle in .223. GC have them, thought they were interesting though a little pricy.
@Bill999 I might use half cock a bit more now with a rifle that can have the safety engaged at the same time. The cz could do it to actually but just didn't work for me. I
will get my tikka 308 modded for half cock and safety one day just to try it.
@Seventenths I took one baffle off this afternoon remembering what you had said but then didn't shoot anything else for the rest of day. It looked better to me and it most
likely will stay off will experiment with another one too @berg243 wrist band might work. A pouch on my belt with loops on the inside would be good. the couple of things I've had the loops were to big. I bought a belt the other
day with tight loops for 223 going to cut it up and experiment. @Tasbay No experience with those. Had a rossi 357 for awhile all slicked up for cowboy action shooting when I was into that for a bit never hunted with it. Was surprising
how much nicer the action was after being worked. Mostly polishing and smoothing I think.
Re: Quick access for your ammo. I know the Federal Blue box ammo (at least in 308) comes in plastic holders with belt loops on the end. Could thread it onto your belt