Old man has one of these. Had it for few years now and uses it for some commercial shooting. Reckons it's a bit of alright.
Old man has one of these. Had it for few years now and uses it for some commercial shooting. Reckons it's a bit of alright.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Semi 12 gauge with 00 buckshot? Within 50m and you will get up to six.
Agree with the ethics of rimfires on goats, but honestly, culling is different from freezer filling, having to turn the gun back on a couple goats to finish them off from the "holding shot" also happened with semis. Still NOWHERE near as cruel as the death experienced from sodium fluoroacetate. After all, you can only do your best with the tools that Our Lady COVID Salvatrix giveth unto us.
Last edited by Cordite; 25-08-2020 at 03:29 PM.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Used to shoot a few goats when we were young with Ruger 10/22`s, did the job at reasonable distances but got a few screamers. Now days I`d go a lever action or probably more likely an Enfield .303 and a couple of magazines.
That said have you seen what people are asking for 303`s these days , probably due to magazine capacity?
Happy to help sort the problem if in reasonable distance to Auckland. Consistent and regular pressure is a key to managing goats so having someone shooting regularly is the best strategy.
22 mag is good , shot 140 goats one weekend with my old bolt action some beyond 100m , thats what i would be going for in a semi version .
The Green party putting the CON in conservation since 2017
Hmmm .... pretty sure the op wasn’t asking for offers to help shoot/cull..usually in this type of scenario it’s a shoot them while you are there/can situation. If the landowner/manager has to go back n ring joe bloggs rec hunter it’s a” nah can’t make it cos if (insert excuse/reason) I’ll be there next weekend..” it’s too late. The damage is done.
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Culling vs Freezer filling - only difference should be the use for the meat afterwards, with culling there's no such thing as overkill since you aren't concerned about meat damage. We should always be trying for clean kills - sometimes things don't go right, that's going to happen but we should always try and avoid it. Using a caliber within its limitations be it size of game or range is just decency really. A rim fire is much more likely to wound an animal the size of a goat or bigger - it may survive injured or die freaking slowly from infection - a center fire with a suitable hunting projectile even if it isn't the best shot will likely kill the animal sooner and more humanly. I know full well that anything could be killed with a 22LR but you need a well placed shot within a suitable distance and the margin for error is pretty small.
A 22 mag will do the job , close up ( within 50m) shoulder/chest shots work and further out neck shots . Head shots are problematic because of size/movement . The thing to remember is when a goat is shot it is not silent like a deer, it may well be a killing shot but if it is not quick the goat will let you know .
22 doesn't cut it Used my 6.5 x55 old gun had heaps through it did cheapest reloads or ammo I could find
too hot to hold all day but didn't wound fuck all they dropped at all sorts of ranges
Wear it out dump it and buy another
Give it shit treat as sacrificial tool and move on
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
At longer ranges honestly I would stick with the chest shoulder area as the target area, heart, lungs, liver is so much larger.
I've seen a few neck shots work and more that have not worked, either miss or soft tissue hit only, end result is the same as a head shot that hits the jaw it buggers off to die slowly later.
The 22 mag will do the job but there's not much wriggle room at range so maximise your chances and go for the biggest bit. Even when I cull goats today using a 223 or 7.62 x39 I go for the big bit as most are a moving target after shot no 1
nope thats backwards step...range is very limited for accurate shooting...buckshot great at 30 yards but a 223 will do it a whole lot easier and more humainly.....6 shots from floor plate bolt action will be 6 dead goats.... at any range under 250 yards most days of the week.
@308mate if he wants to go the 22mag route then I have a Marlin 922 semi that I'm looking to get rid of. Sitting in the safe doing nothing, belonged to me brother. PM me if he wants it.
A few scenarios.
22mag semiauto. You get in close, head shoot the first one, the rest run might get a second, then your on running chest shots that may not work. They are now out of range.
Varmint cartrige bolt rifle or lever action. 10 round mag. 22/250 243, maybe others incl 223
Zero for 250m. Get in close start shooting. Fast cal running chest shots a lot more do able. Point blank range to 300m atleast.
Get more shooters
Chopper and a shotgun.
Shoot at a distance that gives you a bigger shooting gallery. Range areas to give you a quick dope chart and lay into them.
For the average person. Option 2 of a 22/250, 223 or 243 would probably give you the most dead goats.
Cowboy06 you left off 'Release some Tahr among the goats and tell DOC what you've seen'