Had the same issue with a fully wooded No4, It had the 300/600 and shot high at the 100 mark (understandable) As the front sight is protected I filed a new front sight out of Deer antler and spray painted it black. Kept the original front sight and to look at the rifle you wouldn`t know the difference. Works perfectly.
I really like the ghost rings that came on my 45-70, but the possibility of encountering a deer that wants to stand more than 30m away from me means I'm fitting a scope. I'm confident I could hit it with irons, just not confident enough that it'd be an ethical shot.
Greetings Solo,
Using aperture sights looks quite primitive to someone used to a scope but they are really quite good. The trick is to look through the aperture without trying to center the foresight in it. Your eye will naturally do that. Focus on the foresight and not the target. This will make the target a little out of focus but you will be able to place the foresight precisely. And most important, aim for the boiler room. No fancy meat saving shots, just plant it in the lungs. In the US they use the 45-70 and 45-90 for shooting metal pig targets at 500 metres. They shoot prone using crossed sticks. They also shoot the chickens at 200 metres standing. All with aperture sights. They do practice a lot.
Regards Grandpamac.
That's the thing, I could definitely hit the deer, I just don't trust my ability to hit a specific part of the deer enough to risk the animal's welfare. Deer aren't kind enough to wear little targets over their vital organs, so when I look at them through irons the danger is they'll blend into one mass, and I won't be sure exactly where I'm aiming. I'm not a fan of fancy meat-saving shots even with a scope, and especially not with a slow round.