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Thread: AR 15 - A cat

  1. #16
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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  2. #17
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I should point out to you guys that this may not be final, but it is in line with police comments during the meeting.

  3. #18
    Join Date
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    Is this it?

    Firearms Community Advisory Forum Minutes - 18 June 2013 | New Zealand Police

    Looks like they want to put things back the way it was before all the butt hole pain.

  4. #19
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    The firearms community advisory couldn't really have been made up by a better bunch

  5. #20
    NSA is offline
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    There are some background communications going on (outside the ostensible firearms advisory forum 'FAF') which may result in the FAF efforts being superseded. There is an issue that the proposals of the FAF (which are not binding on anyone), if adopted by police and accepted by the OPC, would fall outside the scope of the delegated powers because (a) those proposals are well beyond what Parliament intended them to be; (b) The proposals are diametric to the working purpose of the Arms Act. Regulations so made, will be struck out as ultra vires and in conflict with purpose.

    Police have already breached their own framework of the FAF by appointing thereto a chair that represents only the commercial interests of a group of one (himself) and omitted any adequate representation of civilian gun owners. This gives rise to another ground of judicial review.

    Upshot being that, at the moment, probably best not to make any plans around the FAF proposals.

  6. #21
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Lol the guys that were at the meeting. who commented about it on the other board, said it was a rubber stamping exercise and opinions against the police proposals were not welcome. It's a load of shit.

  7. #22
    NSA is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    Lol the guys that were at the meeting. who commented about it on the other board, said it was a rubber stamping exercise and opinions against the police proposals were not welcome. It's a load of shit.
    Situation normal then

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSA View Post
    Police have already breached their own framework of the FAF by appointing thereto a chair that represents only the commercial interests of a group of one (himself) and omitted any adequate representation of civilian gun owners. This gives rise to another ground of judicial review..
    Seriously, you're nothing but a great source of entertainment and chuckling. Keep it up

  9. #24
    Official Cheese Shaman Spanners's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kscott View Post
    Seriously, you're nothing but a great source of entertainment and chuckling. Keep it up
    I was waiting to see if anyone else saw what I did in that post

  10. #25
    NSA is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogers.270 View Post
    Ok so theres alot of talk around re the changes in law potentially in Dec

    Can some one please tell me that i need to do to ensure an AR 15 stays an A cat rifle?

    One certain solution is to remove the gas block to make it a slide pull action or change the LRHO to make it a penultimater action. If it ain't semi then it ain't MSSA.

  11. #26
    Tread carefully in the suck... ishoot10s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSA View Post
    One certain solution is to remove the gas block to make it a slide pull action or change the LRHO to make it a penultimater action. If it ain't semi then it ain't MSSA.
    An open bolt conversion will fly for, oh, about as long as it takes Joe and Co to change this:

    Military style semi*automatic firearm means—
    (a) A firearm which, after being loaded, fires, ejects, and
    chambers a cartridge with each pull of the trigger;

    To this

    Military style semi*automatic firearm means—
    (a) A firearm which, after being loaded, fires, ejects, and
    chambers, or chambers, fires and ejects, a cartridge with each pull of the trigger

    Admittedly that could be quite some time but is such a conversion really worth the cost and effort...
    I doubt it.
    10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.

  12. #27
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    A dude on the other board tried to import some p mags for his manually operated AR and was told no because even though his AR isn't semi auto, since it started life as a semi auto, then in an unnamed policeman's opinion, it is still a semi auto. So unfortunately it will probably require court action to determine what a straight pull is, or isn't.

  13. #28
    NSA is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ishoot10s View Post
    An open bolt conversion will fly for, oh, about as long as it takes Joe and Co to change this:

    Military style semi*automatic firearm means—
    (a) A firearm which, after being loaded, fires, ejects, and
    chambers a cartridge with each pull of the trigger;

    To this

    Military style semi*automatic firearm means—
    (a) A firearm which, after being loaded, fires, ejects, and
    chambers, or chambers, fires and ejects, a cartridge with each pull of the trigger

    Admittedly that could be quite some time but is such a conversion really worth the cost and effort...
    I doubt it.
    Looks like you have not read the new arms amendment act. 'Semiautomatic' has a new meaning as from December.

  14. #29
    NSA is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    A dude on the other board tried to import some p mags for his manually operated AR and was told no because even though his AR isn't semi auto, since it started life as a semi auto, then in an unnamed policeman's opinion, it is still a semi auto. So unfortunately it will probably require court action to determine what a straight pull is, or isn't.
    Whaadu mean he "tried" and how were police involved ? P-Mags for a SPBA do not require an import permit.

  15. #30
    Tread carefully in the suck... ishoot10s's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NSA View Post
    Looks like you have not read the new arms amendment act. 'Semiautomatic' has a new meaning as from December.
    Meh. Which can just as simply be modified thus:

    “semi-automatic firearm means a firearm that (if it is loaded), with each pull of the trigger, and in no particular order
    “(a)fires a cartridge and ejects its case; and
    “(b)(unless all cartridges loaded have been fired) chambers another cartridge”.
    10MRT shooters do it 60 times, in two directions and at two speeds.



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