"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
Sounds like a plan...when?...I have been guilty of buying Waikato lately, but only to curry favour with the natives in the interests of the hunting community...my tipple of choice these days seems to be Buffalo Bill.
Which is worse, ignorance or apathy...I don't know and don't care.
Geeze sounds good, if all goes to plan I might be able to break your shoulders with a round out of a 500BPE double rifle, nice 50cal projectile! and 3" brass
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Should I bring a barn door then ?? Maybe @Spook has a spare one ? Cheeky prick I know. Could fix that bent .17 for ya thoughPut the scope on it !!
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
Hi All.
I have used the Belmont 55g nickeled steel case ammo in both my 20" RRA 1in 9 and my 16" DD 1in 7 barrelled, home put together. The RRA shoots well under one minute and the other is about one point two M/A. The 16" has a 4 power scope with rounded top post and would account for the opening of groups. Barnaul is crap. Hornady is good.
Haven't tried the Belmont 63g.
I think gunworks on TM does a sampler of 5 each to try to see what works for you, I am tempted to get it to try (when I get an AR) but its such pain in the ass to get a police form for 20~25rounds.
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"