While getting my annual review done, the subject of interpretations of the measurement rule regarding stocks being open or closed when measured was brought up and the letter that is presented on the IMAS website.
I received this today and this is the official response from the police armorer and Paul Gatlin's office and is suppose to be sent to all of the A/O's to clarify what is or not permitted.
I already know what some of you are going to say, but this is good enough for me
Folding Stocks
New Interpretaions
Thanks to a recent court ruling decision that came from a new Crown Law Office interpretation of MSSA’s. Folding stocks are part of what makes an MSSA Always have been, so there has been new clarification as to how the minimum length of an ‘E’ category firearm is measured. Previous interpretations had been confused and contradictory, depending on the Arms officer involved. This is unfortunate.
Some measured the stock open, some closed. Some would not measure any muzzle break that had been fitted, even permanently Correct – the barrel length is measured against the rifled barrel, in the case of a rifle, and does not include any attachments, no matter how attached. This is standard practise used by the Police Armourer. Some ignored a permanent suppressor tube, even when the ported barrel prevented the weapon being discharged without it fitted. Correct.
Now the minimum legal length of 762mm will be measured when the folding or collapsing stock is OPEN Correct in the case of an E-cat firearm. Our understanding is that this only applies to ‘E’ category arms Yes, they are a special case. So if you have a pump action shotgun with a folder then minimum length will be measured when folded Yes. A standard (“A-cat”) firearm cannot be reduced to pistol length or below at any time.
Vaughan Watson
Arms Officer
New Plymouth Police Station
Powderham Street
PO Box 344, DX NX 10048, New Plymouth 4340
( (06) 759 9753 § Mobile 021 192 3920