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Thread: The best "new generation" 22 RF

  1. #16
    Member Brennos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by viper View Post
    There's one on TM at the moment @Brennos
    I did look as soon as I postd. Have saved it, might throw a bid on, the EM tax is real though, i think I paid about $350 for mine brand new.

  2. #17
    Join Date
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    Izhamash are well likely to get a look in here but are rarer than hens teeth.
    Name:  Izhmash Biathlon.JPG
Views: 1126
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    Though my old Norinco JW27 was one of the most accurate 22s I have ever had with the Toz 78 matching it, and the EM332 that I built for my nephew.

    Name:  Norinco EM332 custom.JPG
Views: 1061
Size:  90.4 KB

    It came as a barrelled action. Stock had been broken / damaged. Bought a blank and modified the shape, Used a mill to machine out the bed, glass bedded and recessed, lifted the trigger placement and enlarged the grip. Only thing I need to do to finish it is to sand it down and restain it as I am not happy with the finish...Nephew has not shown any interest in shooting so it may end up for sale.....
    viper, Moa Hunter and csmiffy like this.

  3. #18
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tentman View Post
    We now have the Lithgow Cross-over LA101, the Sako Quad, the Weihrach HW66 and probably one or two other top end 22's (maybe the the Tikka Tx1) that are all relatively new to the patch once soley occupied by the Anschutz Model 54 and Remington 40x's - there are plenty of other good 22's out there, CZ's etc etc, but here I'm talking of rifles that have really sophisticated triggers and firing mechanisms that will deliver "match" or benchrest quality accuracy with a top quality barrel.

    So who (i.e which one) is capable of taking on the Annie 54 on a level playing field - we've seen that @Kiwi Greg has made a pretty good fist of it on a Lithgow . . . .
    I shoot mostly 22 so I have been following a lot of 22 rifle reviews and forums. I dont think anything comes close to Annie 54.

    Most of the new gen 22LR are more or less reinventing the wheel, in one form or another. They all try to attract sales by incorporating some new features which in the end of the day do not really improve accuracy:
    1. Sako Quad is not more accurate than rifles half its price, and it comes with an OK trigger. you want a high quality trigger you have to spend about 900 bucks on a Bix n Andy unit.
    2. CZ 455 is overall worse than 452. The barrel change function requires a lot of work to make it work properly (i.e. mucking around with head space) and even then accuracy is meh. if you want to make a 455 accurate you have to be prepared to spent a lot of money.
    3. There has not been enough reports or comparisons of T1X compared with other rifles. I fiddled with one in Reloaders, honestly it does not feel like a 1000 dollar rifle. A lot of plastic etc.
    4. The reviews of ISSC SPA is 50/50 at best.
    5. The reviews of the Lithgow Cross-over LA101 is OK as well, nothing stands out.
    6. The Ruger American does not have glowing reviews either.
    7. Weirauch 66 seems to have more consistent good reviews than others but the consensus seems to be that it is still clearly a grade below Anschutz 54 action based rifles.

    If you are happy to try your luck, buy any of the above, you may or may not get an accurate example. If you want guaranteed accuracy, you have to go with Annie 54 to avoid disappointment.
    7mmsaum, Kiwi Greg, 6x47 and 3 others like this.

  4. #19
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post
    I was lucky enough to get an Annie 54 last week, all I can say is OMG it can shoot

    I modified a tuner to put on it took it to the indoor range & it just shot

    Took it outside last Saturday & used the tuner to tune it for about 5-6 different bullets, all shot very well

    Used it in the howling wind with the cheaper ammo to win the first of our fun summer series shoot on Sunday arvo

    We are building a more suitable stock for it at the moment.

    The 5 shot magazine is a real PITA to get in & out, going to get some 10s as well.

    The trigger is the only let down with the Lithgow, it works well but could be lighter, it is a hunting rifle not a competition rifle after all
    Did you buy that 54 MSR?

  5. #20
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimitsu View Post
    Did you buy that 54 MSR?
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  6. #21
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    I've got two Anschutz 54 sporting rifles and both will consistently group five shots in .2" with high grade ammo and .35" with most HV hunting ammo. My 1972 Anschutz 1422 (54 action) is possibly a fraction more accurate overall than my latter model 1712 but that may be due the fact that I bedded it in Belzona 1111. A friend has a Weihrauch 66 which shoots brilliantly although my Annies just shade it. Both brands are on the heavy side as a hunting rifle though.

    Heard a lot of good reports over the years about the Walther KKJ's accuracy and having once owned one of their silhouette rifles I can well believe them.

  7. #22
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi Greg View Post
    You were lucky indeed. I hesitated only because I already have a single shot version of the gun, and plenty of guns with magazines. By the time I came to the conclusion that since I do not have this gun with magazines I should have one I think you already hit buy now.

    If you ever grew sick of it, please let me know first

  8. #23
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ultimitsu View Post
    You were lucky indeed. I hesitated only because I already have a single shot version of the gun, and plenty of guns with magazines. By the time I came to the conclusion that since I do not have this gun with magazines I should have one I think you already hit buy now.

    If you ever grew sick of it, please let me know first
    Will do.... & oh good luck with that, the way its shooting it would have to be replaced with something pretty bloody special
    veitnamcam likes this.
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  9. #24
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    For top end rimfires , I like the Annie 54s & the Sako P94S ,
    gqhoon likes this.

  10. #25
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisF View Post
    For top end rimfires , I like the Annie 54s & the Sako P94S ,
    I have a new 54 & 64 showing up, hopefully today, need to chose between one or the other or both

    Both is looking likely but not very sensible
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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisF View Post
    For top end rimfires , I like the Annie 54s & the Sako P94S ,
    I’ve been after a Sako P94S for some time, but they seem pretty thin on the ground around here unfortunately. I’d rather not have to buy a Quad or Finnfire II, but there aren’t a lot of other options.

  12. #27
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    In reguards the cz455 , never liked it , and its due to be replaced ? 457 ? ,

    The P94S has a clamping action to retain the barrel , so you can in theory swap barrels easily , but you do need a headspace guage to set the barrel back to the correct distance .
    The Annie 54s i like , never really liked the cheaper 64 actions .
    My 54 is a meistergrade 1710 DHB , heavy barrel , I think most 54s are single shot target guns , much rarer to see a repeater 54 here in NZ , as they have always been a expensive rifle .

  13. #28
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    The Annie 54's are not for those on a "beer budget" thats for sure. Some time ago a guy in Northland sold a collection that included several, and one or two were repeaters in target stocks - they were relatively modestly priced, one was $1300 as I recall, but as I ddin't have that at the time it passed.

    After a lot of head scratching I've plunked for a Repro Winchester Model 52 (made in the 90's by Miroku). Its a fairly faithful copy, including the three lever "micro-motion" trigger (which on my example is superb, not at Annie 54 standards but better than any/all the 64's/CZ's/Brno's/Walthers/EM322's I've tried). Its a really smooth action too, very very nice to cycle.

    These "re-issue" Model 52's have a somewhat patchy reputation (some shoot lights out, others only average) but as the "bones" of the action are a full target rifle I figure its a great candidate for a rebarrel (its a threaded action) if it doesn't shoot . . . . and dammit I haven't been able to test it yet, its been as windy as hell every-time I've had the opportunity to shoot !!
    10-Ring likes this.

  14. #29
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    KIDD because bolt actions are boring
    Kiwi Greg, Gerbs, viper and 1 others like this.

  15. #30
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisF View Post
    ...My 54 is a meistergrade 1710 DHB , heavy barrel , I think most 54s are single shot target guns , much rarer to see a repeater 54 here in NZ , as they have always been a expensive rifle .
    Even though they're not common there are quite a few sporting repeater 54's out there Chris. I counted seven at our last metallic silhouette shoot. A couple of meistergrade stocked ones too. One Savage 54, two 1422's, and two of the later 1710 and 1712 versions respectively. All have the same stock with minor differences in safety position, barrel contours and iron sights (1712 doesn't have any). No 1710 DHB's as they're too heavy to be legal in MS.

    I see the new price for a sporting 54 is 3K.



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