its childs play to fit one to the left and one to the right..the torque cancels itself out..... strangely enough doing so can FIX a minor misalignment issue too at times....just have to try numerous ways till get closest to ideal then tighten things up. one thing is for sure,one done up the clip over weavers dont move.
75/15/10 black powder matters
I read a report on the net some years ago about Weaver 'clip over' mounts. The posting was about rings to hold a scope on some horrendous recoiling big bore auto pistol. The scope kept shifting. They tested a list of scope mounts and only the Weaver 'clip over' would hold the scope against the recoil.
Did I miss it...or how come no-one yet mentioned about focus the ocular.
You can even do this before mounting the scope, but mount scope first then focus works best for me.
Sod all use a scope being mounted 'right', and yet somehow the cross hairs look a tad blurry.
I looked online and most articles completely missed that point.
These guys do mention it though...
Wait until you mount of these wee suckers...then it becomes a bit of fun.
It's a 'Big Nikko' (Nikko Stirling Diamond 10-50x60). Made in Japan (none of this Chinesium stuff).
CZ457, mounted on Oryx chassis. Yes, it does shoot quite well.
Last edited by Grey Kiwi; 04-06-2022 at 04:40 PM.
Hahahaha fuck me, poor JP all he wanted was somewhere to sort his scope, he's obviously a newbie has no tools, gun vise or torque wench & all forum interweb experts are telling him to mount it himself
I hate ChCh ( fuk was there on this week, what a cunt of a place full of bloody traffic lights lol ) & don't know the place at all but surly somewhere like Serious Shooters or Gunworks will be able to sort this out for a few dollars, I'd hate to see the poor bugger over tighten his screws & pop the scope tube etc
Funny az no one asked him what sort of rings he's running
PS - I used to lap all my bit's especially Talleys, Now I just slap em on ( they work fine ) - set eye relief - level by eye - & take time torqueing all the screws ( doing the round the world system ) sorted , piece of piss if you have the gear
Shoot it, root it & then BBQ it !!!
the gear.......screw drivers the right size...alen keys or star drives the dont need to muscle the hell out of them...firm is good.
sometime folks over complicate the hell out of what is a simple process.....
75/15/10 black powder matters
Its actualy prettyy easy if you dont think about it as "up" and "down" but X axis and right for the red POI it is adjust it "northwest until it hits the line, then north east until it is centre ....Or say you wanted 1" above centre then it is northwest until it hits the line then a similar amount past until it is above centre....
Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......