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Thread: Best scope for wet weather - bush stalking distances

  1. #16
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    My Bushnell 4200 3-9 x 40 has proven itself to me bush hunting in the rain. Never not been able to look through it.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by piwakawaka View Post
    @Fireflite what reticle does the 3500 2-7 have? That does sound like an ideal option I'll have to hunt one down to have a look through
    @piwakawaka its a simple + reticle (you don't need anything else under 300 hundy). If you want to check one out I will send you mine.
    PM me and I will send it!
    bumblefoot likes this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    @Fireflite cheers the offer very generous. I'll have a look at a few others when I get a chance and let you know

  4. #19
    Member doinit's Avatar
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    Buller Westcoast.
    Quote Originally Posted by piwakawaka View Post
    Have heard good things about bushnell with rainguard, sounds like nothing matches their performance in the rain. Dreaming of a small simple scope with a bdc style reticle
    Does anyone have any experience with rainguard or suggest any other glass? Not really interested in iron sights only or putting caps or covers on the lens, want it to be ready to go in case of quick shots
    Cheers peewoks
    Silly as it may sound...the way you carry your rifle will determine just how much water your scope will collect.
    When I'm bush stalking the front of my scope is pointing slightly downward and the bit you look through is up under the cuff of my Swani or shirt sleeve,when pissing down.I refuse to be buggering around with flip up covers etc.
    Sure it aint goin to work for ever but it sure keeps the glass ready while pussy footing through flat or rolling bush.
    A low power is the go in scrub ,fi me anyway along with the paper wipe etc when needed.
    I guess in time they will be building scopes with battery powered wipers lol. Don't forget the bike tube for scope protection either..it works.
    As always it's everyone to their own eh...happy huntin.
    piwakawaka likes this.

  5. #20
    Member Chur Bay's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    + 1 on the bike tube. Surprisingly effective.



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