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Thread: Boyds stock self shipping?

  1. #16
    Member Steve123's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by stug View Post
    Regs in US state any firearms parts worth more than US$100 need an export licence/permit. That's why Boyds won't send them.
    Is the permit for a shipment or per item? US$250 per stock is OTT but if you were getting 5 @ US$50 its getting reasonable.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    I have been down this track and contacted the State Dept. to try and get stuff out of the USA. You will not be able to get an export permit. No non USA resident can get an export permit. It has to be done through an agent base there. I tried very hard and it just will not happen sorry. Please don't waste your time or money ordering stuff and hoping for the best. Below is a quote for an e-mail I received regarding reloading components I was trying to bring back

    Ammunition components are controlled under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), and you would not be able to purchase them in the U.S. and take them back with you to New Zealand.* If you buy such items in the U.S., the U.S. vendor would need to obtain an export license and ship them to you.
    I’m not exactly sure what you mean by “optical sights.”* Depending on what you have in mind, they might or might not be ITAR-controlled.* Your U.S. vendor should be able to tell you if they’re controlled.
    Kirk Bennett
    DDTC Response Team

    No, I’m afraid not.* Essentially, only U.S. persons are eligible to apply for export licenses.* There is simply no piece of paper available that would authorize you to purchase controlled goods in the U.S. and hand-carry them back home.
    Kirk Bennett
    DDTC Response Team

    Stocks might be different but I don't think so good luck.
    Ranal likes this.



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