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Thread: Boyds Stocks

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by horihunter View Post
    I sent them three emails, no reply. I saw a microfit for sale on trade me the other day so somebady managed to get one somehow
    My first order from Richards took 4 weeks to get here and was a drop in fit but the next 2 haven't arrived after 3 years but I haven't been charged for them, they are fucken' unreliable, even if they bother to answer their emails they are quite vacant in their replies, it is hit and miss if they answer their phone and the 3 times I did get hold of them, they may as well have just told me to get fucked as their customer service is piss poor

  2. #62
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Hmmmmmm.................................... any other suppliers you would recommend?
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    I only deal with Boyds now and usually buy the un-inletted stocks and inlet and finish them myself.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Far North
    in man hours how much work is involved? what tools do you use?
    Id be keen to give it a go

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Bill999 View Post
    in man hours how much work is involved? what tools do you use?
    Id be keen to give it a go
    I have a Radar Carve Stock Duplicator, it takes me about 4 hours to setup and inlet a stock which is quite rough, I then attack it with a Dremmel and sandpaper.
    There is possibly another 2-4 manhours to finish it. Given drying times for stock finishes etc. I usually allow about a week per stock, however people with better technique and patience than me would do it a lot quicker, I find I have to walk away at times and go shooting or do the Wifey " I need this done now" shit. I know of a guy in Oz who uses a Dremmel from start to finish and does an excellent job, a few chisels and typical wood working tools are probably all that is needed for someone with the skills ( which I don't have). PM me your email address and I will send you some photos of the ones I have done and the cockups I have made

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Heres my experiences with Boyds.

    All I have to say is F**KIN WANKERS, GIMME THE DAMN STOCK.


    We are seeing what we can do, but as of now NZ rejected the stock and sent it back.

    Thank you,


    Cameron Shumake

    Retail Sales Division

    (605)996-5011 Ext. 107



    From: Richard Palmer [mailto:xxx@hotmail.com]
    Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 4:39 PM
    To: Cameron Shumake
    Subject: Fw: International Shipping

    Hi Cameron

    Below is a response from NZ Customs service.

    They advise there are no problems on the NZ end.

    I understand that the US has some terrible things going on currently with regards to gun laws due to recent tragedies, and rules are currently vague.

    AFAIK, this should still be OK for export under US law?

    Can you suggest an NZ based importer for this stock, or reconsider shipping?



    From: Arms Officer

    Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 11:26 AM

    To: Richard Palmer

    Cc: NICOL Rhett ; DALTON Adele

    Subject: RE: International Shipping

    Hi Rich, you are completely right as to this stock not requiring a permit to import into NZ.

    I know of no restrictions or directives to hold these gun stocks for entry on permit into NZ whatsoever.

    I examine Boyds gun stocks on a regular basis and as yet have not had to stop one for a NZ Police import permit. Once examined they are released to NZ Post for delivery to the importer.

    As per the Arms Act 1983 the only stocks that may require a NZ Police import permit to enter New Zealand are (a) A folding or telescopic butt.




    From: Richard Palmer [mailto:xsxx@hotmail.com]
    Sent: Thursday, 24 January 2013 10:32
    To: Arms Officer
    Subject: Fw: International Shipping

    Good morning

    I’ve attempted to order a gun stock in from the US, only to have the reply below.

    The part concerned is per this link:

    Boyds Gunstock Industries Inc., Firearms cross reference guide...

    This is a wood composite stock, the only metal contained is the sling swivels.

    The Arms Code does not consider this a firearm part, and there is no mention on the Customs website of a gun stock as being prohibited.

    No “Permit to Procure” is required.

    Please advise?


    Richard Palmer

    From: Cameron Shumake

    Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 9:58 AM

    To: xxx@hotmail.com

    Subject: International Shipping


    The stock that you purchased from us had to be cancelled due to new laws from New Zealand’s customs.

    We have credited back your credit card and are hoping that in the future we can do business with New Zealand customers.

    Thank you for your interest,


    Cameron Shumake

    Retail Sales Division

    (605)996-5011 Ext. 107


    --- The information contained in this e-mail may be privileged and/or sensitive. It is intended for the addressee only and is not necessarily the official view or communication of the New Zealand Customs Service. If you are not the intended recipient you are asked to not disclose, copy, or make use of its contents. If received in error you are asked to destroy this e-mail and contact the sender immediately. Your assistance is appreciated.---

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Steveh054 View Post
    I have a Radar Carve Stock Duplicator, it takes me about 4 hours to setup and inlet a stock which is quite rough
    Hmmmm, can we send you a stock + money and have a rough duplicate made?

  8. #68
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Far North
    for your time spent setting it up i dont think it would be very cost effective, 4 hours even at min wage then postage both ways then time spent duplicating and tool usage, would probably be just worth setting to with a router.
    and its a bit of an ask from a complete stranger

  9. #69
    Join Date
    May 2013
    How to get the stock into NZ

    Like everyone else I two have had issues, even though have two stocks already

    So got on the net and found a few reasonable exporters with little charge who will ship the Boyd stocks over and no the New Zealand customs and Police did not stop my new mauser walnut valued over $100

    Also did all the paperwork to get an export permit, to get an email today saying

    The Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC)

    From DDTC Response Team

    If the value of the stock is less than $100.00, Boyds can ship it to you under the 123.17(a) license exemption.

    Stephen M. Geis
    DDTC Response Team
    Contractor, XL
    NOTE: Information in this message generally discusses controls and information contained in the Arms Export Control Act and International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), both of which are authoritative on this matter. The Response Team fields basic process and status questions, and assists exporters in identifying how to get answers to more complex questions handled by the Directorate of Defense Trade Control's licensing and compliance offices. The Response Team's services are not a substitute or replacement for the advisory opinion, general correspondence, and commodity jurisdiction processes delineated in the ITAR, which should be used to obtain authoritative guidance on export control issues, and do not in any way relieve exporters from their responsibilities to comply fully with the law and regulations.

  10. #70
    Member Jimbo's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2013
    I also shoot lefthanded and have a right handed Tikka.
    Boyds never returned my e-mail, so I contacted GRS in Norway and got a lefthanded stock inletted for my Tikka no problem at all.
    Landed it was $1175 nz. Obviously more than Boyds, but hell with it, it's an awesome stock and I love it.




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