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Thread: Browning Blr takedown

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Ok cheers that makes sense. I have a stainless pistol grip non-takedown in 308 and do not find it heavy.

  2. #17
    Member Tikka7mm08's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    North Loburn
    BLR LT WT Takedown 243. Want to change scope to a 2-10 or 3.5-10x50. But might sell if son still wants something old school.

    Sent from my SM-G986B using Tapatalk
    Boaraxa, timattalon and 30late like this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Back in the Manawatu
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    They are quite heavy , weighed mine the other day when reading this thread think it went 3.96kg , scope is older model leupold 2.5-8x36.
    Neat little guns though apart from the heavy trigger, i find they carry well though think its the slim receiver just sits nicely in your hand.
    Seen one of those stainless laminated models in H@F Dunedin awhile back ,very nice i thought. cheers
    ANTSMAN, GSP HUNTER and Boaraxa like this.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2019
    I thought I’d share my experience with a BLR 81 Takedown .308
    I’m nearly 60, but still quite good with scoped rifles, but all the rifles I have are not ideal bush stalkers, so I thought I’d change that.
    I bought a takedown 308 and it’s a beautiful rifle. My ego said “Hey keep it iron sighted for the bush”. It is workable, but if I saw something at 50 - 100m, I couldn’t be sure I could reliably hit into an animals vitals, so I opted for a Burrows 1-3.5 scope. I sighted it in at 50m lying prone in a field, but even though I reload, I could never get any groups less than 1 inch. Very frustrating, learning to find consistent ammo, a good hold, cope with the heavy trigger etc. it was fine for standing shots but bothered me I couldn’t get repeatable good groups.
    So in a pique of madness I decided to punch out the barrel band and unscrew the barrel off the foregrip. I noticed immediately how shoddy the finish was, super rough and a few long splinters on the surface. So I got the Dremel out and carefully cleaned up the wood whilst paying close attention to not touching they grey bedding compound. Then I took the dremel to the inside-top of the Barrel Band to evenly cut away metal so that it no longer touched the barrel. I sprayed the dremellled area with black paint to seal the bare metal and reassembled it. It looked good and I could pass a slither of paper under it without impedance.
    I then shot a mixture of reloads and noticed that accuracy had gotten worse.
    I had changed the harmonics of the barrel and it was time to start reloading again.
    The Hornady RN 150g which was previously OK, was really bad.
    I went through periods of self-doubt. “Is the rifle screwed?” “Am I stupid to expect good groups from a 3x scope?” “Is the problem the heavy trigger?” “Is this the BEST I can expect?” Etc.
    So I decided to try a different round, Sierra GameKing Soft Point Boat Tail 150g. I also decided to try not to hold the rifle prone with both hands, instead use my resting hand only on a rear bag and pulling the stock into my shoulder with my trigger-hand. Trigger thumb on the top of the butt stock and non trigger fingers loose by the lever. So that my trigger hand was near vertical.
    After a few rounds the rifle and my technique settled down/came together and I started to get 3x shots in the SAME HOLE!!

    Now I’m not the best shooter by no means, but, if you had similar accuracy issues with your BLR. Take the barrel out and see if it’s down to poor stock finish.

    Hope this helps

    Regards Peter



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