Remember the 7 “P”s; Pryor Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
A pistol club member with more money than talent decided to buy himself better scores by getting a Freedom Arms revolver.
For those who are not familiar with the Freedom arms revolvers ( I had both .22LR and a .357 Mag F.A's) these are the Anshultz's of the centre-fire revolvers. Built strong, line bored 5 cylinder, very fine tolerances that can handle loads that would destroy lesser revolvers these things are beautiful.
Well it didn't quite work out the way he was hoping and scores did not improve and when they came to go back on the market it was discovered he has filed down the front sights as he was apparently continually shooting too high!!
Some people shouldn't be allowed fine firearms.
Oh the for the love of humanity![]()
That bottom one I would not really class as a Bubba. It appears t be a Mauser 98 barrelled action in which case that is a aftermarket stock. We have one of those in stock here. I agree they are not a pretty stock, but it will work The stock itself is pretty well made and fairly sturdy. I just dont like the idea of the scope being mounted to the stock, no matter how substantial the thing is secured to the action. On the upside it allows someone to fit a scope to the M98 without drilling and tapping an original action so while not original with the stock on, it can be undone.....
A styer scout is on my wish list but i now wonder if i could make my own with some poly pipe a cheese grater and some epoxy filler.