If he hasnt buggered the wrist of the action where the original stock used to fit then it isnt too bad
Funnily enough I did see some pics from back in the day in the states where they did a primitive take down on winchester 3030s for horseback in the mountains that looked a lot like that
Had a Stirling or US greasegun SMG look that could be taken apart/folded with wing nuts etc. If they fought around that time that could've been their inspiration
Function over form
As ugly as that is, I am looking at the joins, welds and finish on the stock, and someone has taken time and care to do it pretty well. Finish is neat, welds don look too bad (certainly better than I can manage...) and its fairly well polished etc....Function over form? If they spent more time on form and did the same quality to its appearance as they did its build, it would be reasonable....
But as it is.....still wrong on so many levels.
Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......
This is a factory jobbie for 92 lever actions.
You can undo the hinge pin bolts and raise/lower it as required.
Saw a good one a few weeks back!! a beautiful varmint Anschutz 1517 with the beaver tail stock! A suppressor manufacturer (not naming names) decided to 'skim' down the diameter of the barrel to accept their overbarrel suppressor!! Talk about getting me wound up! why would you not just put a muzzle forward sup on it? Or perhaps find another suppressor that didn't require butchering of the barrel??!! FFS!
Yeah that is pretty shitty
That is what you did back when suppressors first came out
Pretty rough
yip there are options now..... DPT will go over a bull barrel.... even going fatter there are options.
75/15/10 black powder matters
From an shooting page I do on farcebook.
Comments say on a wall in east cape Africa.