here is my one for sale. offers etc or swap. i think it shoots good but have only done so at 50m.
here is my one for sale. offers etc or swap. i think it shoots good but have only done so at 50m.
Use enough gun
Those JW15s shoot way outa proportion to their cost. I bought one, chopped it down, smoothed the action, fitted a can.. for my nephew. It outshot his father's 452. I still remember him laughing away as I slaughtered all sorts out the kitchen window at his lifestyle block, many targets the wrong side on 70 yds.
Here's my main go-to rimfire. It's a BSA Supersport Five. Very accurate and well made.
My brother had a Sportsman 15 but you can't fit a scope easily as the bolt handle comes right out the top of the action.
I just sold / traded my JW 15 for this new semi ..... don't know if it was the right move and I miss the pig already.
If this new semi turns out to be a dog I will be well pissed off.
Got offered a brand new BRNO mod,1 from a sports shop in Invers just after the ;wall'' came down back in the ninetys for $500, seems they found quite a few stashed away and freed them up around the world, of which I got my one.
Seeing the price of what they sell for now and how well this one shoots, theres no way it will get sold. Unless someone has a tidy vixon ,222 that they want to swap.
Krico Model 300, often overlooked as many peeps don't recognise a German made economy rifle. Very slick and accurate as anything you want to put it up against.
Another vote for the old TOZ..this is a TOZ-17-03 I have, made in the USSR. Very accurate, lightweight and reliable.
In recent years the Toz and the JW15 are both excellent value and good bolt-action performers. Going back a bit, the Remington 512 (I still use one), Lithgow, Winchester 69, Springfield, were all accurate, reliable and inexpensive rifles. Things like the Brno, Krico and Steyr bolt-actions were also very good but not cheap!
Use a JW-15 myself. Bought it 2nd hand for $200. Shit scope and a JR slip on suppressor. Scope is gone replaced with a ‘Cabelaba special’ 4 X 32,suppressor now has a crack in it, done up with duck tape still quite functional. It will go in when a bit richer to be shortened and threaded. Stripped varnish back and burned my kids names into it. Rifle will never be sold and do most of my .22 shooting with it. Use subs through it. I just sight it in and go shooting. Couldn’t tell you what the MOA is... it’s good enough for the possums, plovers, hares and rabbits. Don’t shoot long range with it that’s what the HMR is for.
Most recently shot things.. four out of four plovers..
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Another vote here for the Remington 581. Was standing in Broncos Sports in Tauranga about 30 years ago just browsing the .22 rack. I owned a Ruger 10/22 Deluxe at the time which was both unreliable and inaccurate and I spied a nearly-new left-handed Remington 581 .22 in the rack (I'm a lefty). Asked the salesman to pass it over...ugly yellow beech stock and cheap-looking plastic shroud that held the rear sight, but it had a LH bolt!
Another local shooter called Gary was peering over my shoulder and I knew he owned LH Remington 700's in .243 and .270 and the bugger said he'd buy the .22 if I didn't. I paid the $300 asking price, took it home and was amazed how well it shot with Winchester Subsonics and Powerpoints. Tens of thousands of rounds later I still own it and it's my only .22! One of the few times I've been in the right place at the right time. Sorry Gary.
+1 for the bsa sportsman had a few of them if you can use iron sights they are up there as far as accuracy goes
What's the verdict on voere?
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Brno 74 mod 2 they get boring!,
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Stirling P14-great gun, had heaps of knocks etc. Had to weld the trigger sear on the bolt up as it was playing silly buggers. Great little 22.
.."What's the verdict on voere?.."
That was my first bolt gun- accurate enough but the looong creepy two-stage trigger didn't help. You can't easily fix that problem as the sear acts as the bolt stop- if you take the first stage out, the bolt comes right out when working the action fast
Has anyone tried the Savage B22? Seems to get reasonable reviews. Was just thinking of it as a basic knock around .22..... Or maybe I should just look at a Norinco? ;-) Also; are the Toz 22s available anymore?