An easy way to reducing your group size is shooting at smaller dots, I use a dot only just big enough to see.
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An easy way to reducing your group size is shooting at smaller dots, I use a dot only just big enough to see.
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If its guns, tits or tyres it's going to cost you lots of money
OK, something is wrong here. Back to the range to put some rounds over the chrony. Too lazy to put up a target so just pointed at white paper that I could just make out a pattern underneath, a block of wood with some carpet for a front rest and my left hand as the back rest. Still shot under an inch for 5-7 shot groups. I might have to deal to something with this thing and update my varminting rig photo. After a short time the Taiwanese Tasco scope seemed to almost mist up making it damned hard to aim, but I do like the 16x top magnification.
crzyman, I've been advised to section the dot with the crosshairs, which seems to work well enough, I just need to work out how to hold it a bit steadier.