Timbers out, confusion reigns and I've got to renew my licence next year, by that day I'll only own my old Norinco .22!
Timbers out, confusion reigns and I've got to renew my licence next year, by that day I'll only own my old Norinco .22!
Boom, cough,cough,cough
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
Yeah I'm a bit of a soft cock compared with you Rambo Rushy! I believe in rehabilitation to a small degree!You might get a job shooting crims in the States if your lucky![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
This case highlights the few flaws we have in our firearms licensing system. IMHO we have it pretty much right here in NZ where the Police do their best to ensure those that shouldn't be licenced for firearm ownership are excluded. Obviously in this case there was a a failure of some sort. If this person had foreign convictions? then thats an information sharing issue between NZ and whoever.
IMHO there are still questions to be asked of the person/business that sold firearms to this now convicted criminal.
NZ firearms laws are fairly reasonable - a few tweaks here and there would see it being the best worldwide - a bit of liberalisation around semi autos for example. However its cases like this that fuck it up for every law abiding gun owner.
It is election year this year and those with a strong firearms interest should start searching out those parties that have an interest in what we do. I know this forum is anti protecting our interests through political intervention, but for the stronger minded members here its worth investigating. Otherwise your rights as gun owners are only ever going to decrease.
but you've met the gunsh*ty sales ppl right? I mean mostly they look like they are meth's heads themselves.
Last time I was in one I wanted 100 barnual steel 54Rs and it took me some minutes to convince them I wanted 5 packets of 20 off the back shelf as it was cheaper than the single packet of 100 they kept on trying to sell me from the front pile. Eventually the sales manager turned up and I got the 100 matched down to the 5x20 plus 10% off but boy it was hard work and it took them several goes with a calculator to work out 10% off.
FFS rocket scientists they are not
"I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"
I said earlier that this would be used to push for all the new restrictions the current Police bosses want , and you can guarantee that they will 1 ) have no effect on crims , 2 ) Only effect the licenced firearms users , 3 ) Suit their version of gun control .
WHAT I did not actually expect was the totally insane , & groundless THORPE report to be trotted out again , I did expect the independant regristration ( yeah right , Alpers INC ) , push , he has been eyeing that UP for a long time now , maybe he wants a SHARE of the billions in tax payers money , opps he can only dream of somehting akin to the Canadian debarcle .
If you are OLD enough you will remember some of the totally stupid & unworkable THORPE report , it was so crazy even the Police rejected it , and they wanted IT , some where , that rifles etc would be held in central armouries , and you would come and sign out your rifle when you wanted to use it , and then after hunting , return it to the Armoury .
The central armoury idea has been used not by civies but by European Police , and they stopped using them , as it was a one stop shop for the terrorists back in the 70s .
So we have people in NZ , pushing stuff thats totally stupid & unworkable ( by people that donot live in the real world , and have never worked in the real world ) , stuff thats so flawed at the fundimental level , that it would be picked up by a 5 year old kid , and discarded as stupid , unworkable & lacking commonsense .
The registration idea seems much more logical at 1st glance , ie your average 5 year old MAY think he can get it to work , maybe a bit like Communism , However rather than just knowing in your heart its NOT going to solve the problem of miss use , like Political bandaids , we have hard documented PROOF it does not work , even so , you and I know , that the fact it does not work , will NOT stop , GovT , MP , Police from doing it anyway .
AS to Aussie , what crap figures are they using to say Aussie gun violence is less that NZ ?????? , it has always been my view as well as other non-Aussies , that its been a dismil failure , gun crims have sky rocketed after the Aussie law changes/bans etc .
Later Chris
Man the random capitalisation has got TO stop
its quite clear this guy has no compunction in doing this ,and apparently was jailed in aussie for something similar.add to that giving your own daughter $500 worth of methamphetamine for her 19th birthday. he wouldnt know remorse if it up and bit him on the asssssss,so IMHO the beak should have given him 15+in th longterm cell somewhere down the back on the local joint. just leave him there to fester like a well developed boil tillone day it all explodes and the bravado is slowly turned about. no hurry -society doesnt need this hump. lifers -yep i nursed a lady who'd been a special pt for 44yrs,every one incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital .she left on stretcher dressed in a shroud.
Guncity really needed to wake their ideas up following this too.