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Thread: Buying advice - Ruger 10/22

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RimfireNZ View Post
    A 10/22 barely needs any servicing to keep functioning. You can fire thousands of rounds without any malfunctions, then you just take the bolt out, get in there with a little action cleaner and a toothbrush, and it's back to brand new. Takes ten minutes.
    Steady there horse. The 10/22 is pretty good, but not that good. Mags need cleaned which is simple enough, but getting ammo that does what it says is a bit different. They like a bit of oil every 2000 or so and then the jams might only happen every 100 rounds. Might.

    Get a bolt as others have said, start at the start.
    ebf likes this.

  2. #17
    Shootin the breeze.... Survy's Avatar
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    I started off with bolt action, slow and steady wins the race, as said in a few posts good to work on safety skills.
    My first was a norinco jw-15 cheap as chips and they shoot well least that way you can then figure out your next upgrade option .

    Good luck and be safe
    Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...

  3. #18
    Numzane Spudattack's Avatar
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    Mate, get a second hand Brno bolt action, model 1, 2 0r 5, will cost you about the same as a basic 10/22 and you will never want another .22!

    I had a 10/22 and it was a good little rifle but found myself always grabbing the Brno, ended up selling the Ruger because it was never used.
    "Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."

  4. #19
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    good luck trying to find a brno for as cheep as a ruger pricks have started collecting them

    better yet find a model one and Ill swap you for my ruger 10-22

  5. #20
    Numzane Spudattack's Avatar
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    There is a model 2 on TM at the moment for $650! Sounds in pretty good condition but no photos.

    CZ / BRNO .22LR ,MOD 2 | Trade Me
    "Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."

  6. #21
    A Good Keen Girl Dougie's Avatar
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    Very often good, cheap 22s come on TM that are only just out of reach for me....you'll have a pee shooter before you know it mate
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  7. #22
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    Shops I have found so far,

    serious shooters
    mainly hunting
    McCoy and thomas Sports Whangarei
    Deadeye Dicks Levin

    (If anyone wants to add shops, please feel free)

    Reloaders seem to have keen prices.

    Im looking for a 22LR as well, but a CZ455 with a heavy barrel varmint or maybe the supermatch one coming this year.

  8. #23
    ebf is offline
    Mushroom juice ! Hic ! ebf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    Reloaders seem to have keen prices.
    And very good service too, speak to Dan

  9. #24
    Member RimfireNZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    Shops I have found so far,

    serious shooters
    mainly hunting
    McCoy and thomas Sports Whangarei
    Deadeye Dicks Levin

    (If anyone wants to add shops, please feel free)

    Reloaders seem to have keen prices.

    Im looking for a 22LR as well, but a CZ455 with a heavy barrel varmint or maybe the supermatch one coming this year.
    I deal with serious shooters a lot. Lee or Reese are good dudes.

    Good choice with the CZ. They make niiice rifles. I've had a couple of 452's in the past. Actually really regret selling my 22LR one. Such a pretty (and accurate) gun.

  10. #25
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    If you do decide cz/brno be aware some come with hog back stocks set up for iron sights, which make them quite low for scopes
    in saying that I run one and it dusnt affect much at all

  11. #26
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Mossberg 802 'plinkster' (bolt action) is a real good cheap alternative to a norinco, ive got one for small stuff, theres always a couple going on TM.....
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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  12. #27
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    In addition to my Marlin 795, the other .22 calibre rifle I own is a bolt-action Mossberg 802 Plinkster. It was cheap (think ~$250?) and is a good basic rifle - made in Brazil under licence.
    Last edited by Ryan; 15-01-2013 at 10:44 AM. Reason: Scouser beat me to it!
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  13. #28
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    LOL, yes ive emailed them and got great replies....guncity on the other hand probably cant find the inbox.

  14. #29
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    Ive spent days and days digging for info and as a brand ive not seen CZ faulted, in fact praised especially compared to US made guns (except by the out american bigot), the prices are also fairly reasonable. Interesting thing is to make the US made guns shoot as well (maybe) it seems you need to get them blue-prinnted which you cant get easily done in NZ? and that based on US prices sends the cost to that of a CZ sticker....

    doh....I could easily (mentally) go get a 455, and a 527 tomorrow...

    Bill999 yes the CZ 455 supermatch (say) has a low slung stock for iron sights but adding a raised check piece for a scope isnt hard, which was my thought then I get the "dual action".

    Finding out such stuff should be the advantage of talking to a good gunshop / dealer IMHO. I appreciate ppl spending the time and offering good advice (backed up by my own research of course) those ppl who talk to me about such things get my business.

    Reloaders 3, guncity 0.

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    ok the 527 is a different animal that is the new brno fox, which is the 223 lenght mini mauser action. nice rifles but I sold mine in favor of my ar.......GASP HORROR, I know.

    the cz rifles are nice, if you can get one with a bit of checkering on it. I upgraded my stock and am pleased with the extra grip.

    I cant see me ever parting with my brno mod 2, but I dont care for my ruger at all. even after I sorted out the trigger at nearly half the cost of the rifle again.
    CZ on the other hand can be sorted with a spring and shim kit for 30$

    the 452 I believe is the 22lr the 455 I think is the 22mag length that you can also get a 22lr barrel for.
    Personally I dont see the point of switch barrel designs when youd have to resight in each time you changed over



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