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Thread: Buying scopes from America

  1. #16
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Flyblown View Post
    Well that's very interesting @Towely, because Optics Planet didn't used to.

    So I just tried, and the transaction went through to the credit card stage, so yeah, looks like they will.

    But here's the rub.

    The price.

    Total cost, shipped for a Vortex Viper PST Gen II 3-15x44 Second Focal Plane EBR-4 MOA Reticle: USD 957.

    That's NZD 1,443 at Google exchange rate, not what your credit card would charge you.

    Reloaders price for the exact same scope: NZD 1,459.

    No prizes for guessing where I'd buy it from. I assume looking at this that Vortex has put some kind of price protection in place to ensure that international sales are roughly equal to local sales? Because that didn't used to be the case. When I bought three new rifles all together in Aus I tried to source Vortex scopes from the US from reputable dealers as they were so much cheaper, but failed, and I tried pretty hard.

    @scottyrees is worth following up because I vaguely remember something along the same lines.
    A NZ online retailer lists the Razor Gen II 4.5-27 at 4000NZD, typically they cost 2500USD in the states.
    Converted makes it 3762NZD thats before GST and shipping.

    Don't get me wrong almost every single scope I have bought in the last 5 years has been imported and I have saved a tonne but in the last year or so NZ retailers seem to have gotten far more competitive, so unless you get a killer deal or bring one back in luggage don't just assume that it's going to be cheaper.
    Like everything it pays to do your home work.

    Better yet keep a look out in the buy and sell section and let someone else take the hit for you.
    tetawa, Sarvo and dannyb like this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Sorry yes im talking about getting one posted over not bringing back in luggage.

    So im looking at buying a Vortex scope for half the price in the states , i maybe missing the fact i might get charged hefty gst or importation fees after purchase?

    Am i wrong?

    Is there any sites that anyone has bought off recently , Opticsplanet etc?

  3. #18
    Member Brian's Avatar
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    Upper Hutt
    By the time you get postage customs fees and exchange rates you can double the US$ price.
    Sarvo likes this.

  4. #19
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Creep View Post
    Sorry yes im talking about getting one posted over not bringing back in luggage.

    So im looking at buying a Vortex scope for half the price in the states , i maybe missing the fact i might get charged hefty gst or importation fees after purchase?

    Am i wrong?

    Is there any sites that anyone has bought off recently , Opticsplanet etc?
    Try theriflescopestore.com or libertyoptics.com or eurooptic.com

    What scope in particular are you looking at getting?
    Can tell you if it's worth doing or not.

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Vortex Diamondback 4-12 bdc

    Im being a bit of a cheap arse seen as its $400 to buy in NZ , might buy something better if it works out cheaper buying from USA.

  6. #21
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    In this case you are in luck.
    www.theopticzone.com has Vortex on sale at the moment, so with discount and shipping is 229USD, converted makes that 344NZD.
    In reality the credit card will cost you a bit more, but should still be under 400NZD so no GST.

    Were it not on sale you'd likely be in line for GST and would end up costing 460NZD by the time it landed here.
    You can buy one locally for $469, so you are saving a bit in this case.



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