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Thread: Camo Kimber Hunter stock??

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    New Plymouth
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelton View Post
    Interesting I spied them not long ago online I could do with a creedmoor with the abundance of 140 eldm on hand what cal @Tahr
    It was .257 rob

    Sent from my CPH2145 using Tapatalk
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  2. #17
    Gkp is offline
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    May 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Gkp View Post
    Montana stocks are better

    Camo ones wear real quick and go a bit sticky
    Just to clarify: My experience is from a mountain accent camo stock
    Tahr and Stocky like this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Makros View Post
    Sorry, important information. The tan one - I don't think the camo coating would last one trip through some terrible Whanganui regrowth like the standard one has.

    I will note though I have had some problems with my mag. Mine is in .308win and it was so tight with 3 in the mag it was basically non-functional. It was almost impossible to put the mag in with a closed bolt and have it latch. If you did manage it, it was close to jamming the bolt action, and if you got it open you ended up smearing a bunch of brass onto the bottom of the bolt and damaging the top cartridge.
    It wasn't a follower spring issue, the magazine just genuinely had too little space to fit 3 .308 cartridges. The issue cost me a few animals as I had issues either reloading the mag quickly or feeding the first round. I checked the advertisements several times thinking it must just be a two shot mag, but I confirmed it was supposed to be three.

    I ended up taking the mag apart and removing quite a bit of plastic under the follower spring, it functions perfectly now.
    This wasn't unique to mine and I've seen a few overseas forum posts on this issue and the same solution used to fix it.
    I was pretty disappointed from a manufacturer point of view as it is clearly a fairly major design flaw in the magazine dimensions.
    Snap I had exactly the same problem and took it back and got another mag which fixed the problem. Been a great little rifle ever since and give it a thrashing in North island Bush. With the gel removed its as light as pretty much any rifle out there.
    Tahr likes this.

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    North Canterbury
    Quote Originally Posted by Nick.m View Post
    Snap I had exactly the same problem and took it back and got another mag which fixed the problem. Been a great little rifle ever since and give it a thrashing in North island Bush. With the gel removed its as light as pretty much any rifle out there.
    Yeh was an early problem that was a warranty claim I even got to keep the tight mag which means I now have 2 after I also relieved some material.



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