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Thread: Can you convert a t3 308 to 284?

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    So, would a 280Rem be a better alternative to the 284? They seem to have very similar case capacity and are both 7mm.

  2. #32
    GWH is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rupert View Post
    So, would a 280Rem be a better alternative to the 284? They seem to have very similar case capacity and are both 7mm.
    In a t3, not really, iirc with the 280 you cannot seat the heavy bullets out far enough to maximise the case capacity, whereas you can with the 284 case.
    Tahr and Shearer like this.

  3. #33
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    GWH: thanks for that explanation. What sort of T3 mag will feed 284 cases? - the 284 case is a bit fatter than 270, etc.

  4. #34
    GWH is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by rupert View Post
    GWH: thanks for that explanation. What sort of T3 mag will feed 284 cases? - the 284 case is a bit fatter than 270, etc.
    I just use your standard LA mag, apart from the WSM's I think all the LA mags are the same, 2506, 270, 6.5x55, prob even 7RM.

  5. #35
    dog chaser distant stalker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GWH View Post
    I just use your standard LA mag, apart from the WSM's I think all the LA mags are the same, 2506, 270, 6.5x55, prob even 7RM.
    Yip 7rm goes in same mag (I have 284 and 7rm)
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  6. #36
    Member Hunter_killer's Avatar
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    308 is a great cal.

  7. #37
    Member Danny's Avatar
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    Can you convert a t3 308 to 284?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter_killer View Post
    308 is a great cal.
    It is.

    Interesting at how everyone seems to be shooting deer at 600 yards with 7mm08's however. I know they have a decent BC but you wouldn't catch me shooting shit at anything over 400 with one.

    284 reamed from a 708 as above mentioned does a decent job when pushed hard, remember though that some compare the 708 or 284 loaded hard to a standard 7Rm which is not an accurate comparison.
    The 284 is a super cool caliber, easy to load and mine were accurate and loading from 140-162 pills is a great advantage.
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    Dan M

  8. #38
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    +1 for what Tahr said the 7mm is always going to have superior terminal performance over 6.5's at extended ranges (400+) . I own both 6.5's and 7mm's including 284 (20 in bbl). Hard to fault the 284 if you want a significant jump up over 7mm08 and want to stay with a "short action/barrel", ie shorter than 280 and 24 in bbl. My 284 is around 5 1/2 lb bare rifle & with a DPT suppressor its a dream to shoot - very mild recoil. Getting 2850 fps with 160 TMK's or 162 AMAX. Only downsides with 284 are no factory ammo & limited options in brass .... if you hand load neither is an issue. Cant understand why this calibre has not proven more popular.
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  9. #39
    GWH is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauser308 View Post
    Easy, lack of rifles, ammo, and factory brass that doesn't cost gazillions.

    I would have no issue with using a 7mm08 or .308 at 600, both have enough energy for deer at that range and it's where you put the pill not how hard you it it in the wrong spot.

    The advantage for .308 is in the range of easily available loaded ammo from milsurp right through to match grade - 7mm08 just doesn't come close for range of ammo. Also, you get a better spread of ammo weight right up to factory loaded 180gr and higher which has far superior terminal performance that some of the poxy 7mm factory loads. I for one would not be remotely comfortable tackling a feral cattle beast with a 7mm08 but have done so with appropriate .308 loads (and poleaxed one shot bang flop).

    .308 far more versatile...
    Yep for those that are restricted to factory ammo the 308 wins hands down in that regard. I haven't purchased factory ammo for years, and doubt i ever will again. Handloading certainly opens up the possibilities thats for sure, ie nice slippery high BC bullets transforms the 7mm cartridges without suffering excessive recoil.
    Danny and 6x47 like this.

  10. #40
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    What's appealing to me with the 284 is it is a very efficient caliber in a short barrel. As for why it's not more popular? maybe the 7mm rem mag rules for flatter trajectory and more energy in a standard rifle and factory ammo. For the 284 hand loading is needed to gets the best out of it. Know one in the USA wants to chop a 284 barrel down because they can't use a suppressor for hunting in a lot of states.
    The Duleys made and did a great job advertising there version 284 which made it popular here in NZ and it's a practical everyday hunting rifle.
    GWH and Danny like this.

  11. #41
    Member Mangle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter_killer View Post
    308 is a great cal.
    The best deer calibers start with a 3....just pulling your tassels......personally can't tell the difference in calibers if the rifle is accurate and easy to carry / shoot........

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mangle View Post
    The best deer calibers start with a 3....just pulling your tassels......personally can't tell the difference in calibers if the rifle is accurate and easy to carry / shoot........
    Yes, around the margins the differences are very subtle and not worth doing our heads in over. But more substantial increases in velocity and bullet weights make more than a marginal difference and result in more humane killing. All other things like accuracy and shooter ability and knowledge being equal.

    There are exceptions though to everything, and I think that we rather bother ourselves by looking for them.
    If we start from the premise that we need a decent size lump of lead and copper hurled as fast as it can practically go we are on pretty safe ground

    Then again, I'm the guy who just loves going back to my .223 to shoot a deer from time to time. So we are all influenced by personal preferences too.
    Last edited by Tahr; 20-06-2017 at 10:41 AM.
    GWH, Gibo and i41do2 like this.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by GWH View Post
    Yep I hear ya. A standard 708 t3 run as a long action running a 162g would easily do all he wants.
    Yip my thoughts too or with a 150gr ELD-X.
    Actually a 308 running 168gr VLD or A-max is capable of 500-600m as well just a bit more drop and wind drift.

    But if you want something different (and a project) that could reach out a bit further in the future go for it.
    Last edited by winaa; 20-06-2017 at 02:05 PM.

  14. #44
    Member Rock river arms hunter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw View Post
    +1 for what Tahr said the 7mm is always going to have superior terminal performance over 6.5's at extended ranges (400+) . I own both 6.5's and 7mm's including 284 (20 in bbl). Hard to fault the 284 if you want a significant jump up over 7mm08 and want to stay with a "short action/barrel", ie shorter than 280 and 24 in bbl. My 284 is around 5 1/2 lb bare rifle & with a DPT suppressor its a dream to shoot - very mild recoil. Getting 2850 fps with 160 TMK's or 162 AMAX. Only downsides with 284 are no factory ammo & limited options in brass .... if you hand load neither is an issue. Cant understand why this calibre has not proven more popular.
    It has recoil? didnt feel like it when you gave me a shot. A calibre I'll add to the safe in years to come for sure!



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