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Thread: Cheapest most accurate and reliable rifle you've owned

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Jindera Australia
    Winchester 320 was given as my 1st rifle at 15yrs still have it and it still consistently shoots 9/10 head shot rabbits out to 50yds with subs
    mudgripz likes this.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    A Stirling 1500 .22 Magnum. Cost me $150. It shot like a laser. Had a very light trigger which aided off hand shooting. When I used to feed it RWS 40 Gr ammunition which generated a genuine 2000 fps at the muzzle, it killed all out of proportion to its ballistics.

  3. #33
    Member smidey's Avatar
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    Whangarei Heads
    I have a couple.
    Jw 15 full barrel suppressor is a track driver. Bought new for $450.

    Ruger American ss in 223. Was $750 when I bought it new. Think it was 1/2"

    Sent from my workbench
    If i could have a full time job shooting pests i'm up for over time.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    It is interesting to look through the list of 'cheapest,most accurate and reliable rifles' people mention in this thread - some patterns that confirm well known facts:

    * Alot of Norinco 22s - JW15s, JW27 and EM332. Consistent over-performers for the price. JWs often scruffy little buggers but polish up to be hunter gems.
    * Alot of marlin rimfires plus some centrefires. Great rimfire barrels - always bang for the dollar
    * A number of Savage centrefires - again sharp shooters.
    * CZ/Brno 22s - should be in any good rimfire list
    * Stirling 22s - can be good, can be awful - some goods ones here.

    Useful guidelines..
    Last edited by mudgripz; 20-08-2016 at 05:18 PM.
    Feather or Shoot and viper like this.

  5. #35
    Just picked up a savage 243 and weaver for 500 so far lookn like a super accurate rig
    gadgetman, GravelBen and blake like this.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by 6x47 View Post
    My best is Walther smallbore rifle I was given. Stock was a bit rough but I fixed that up. Accuracy as expected
    Far out given a walther lucky man

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Best bang for buck is my Steven's Savage .243.
    Paid $640 and shoots sub inch at 200m. Haven't had a single deer get away and will never part with it.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    mudgripz and GravelBen like this.
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  8. #38
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Dec 2014
    My SKS shot really well, always worked when you pulled the trigger. Killed umpteen goats and a deer.

  9. #39
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by northdude View Post
    Just picked up a savage 243 and weaver for 500 so far lookn like a super accurate rig
    Watch them. They seems to have an inherent issue. I bought one, turned my back for a little bit, then found there were another two of them in the safe.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  10. #40
    Member viper's Avatar
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    Feb 2015
    Well this is a tale of two Norinco's, I was going to start a new thread but this fits nicely in here. A warning to the more sensitive types the story starts out bad but has a happy ending ( spoiler alert )
    Several years ago I decided that despite the fact I had a excellent .22 already there was a itch in my balls that needed scratching and by justifying to myself that the stunning .22 I had was too good to use as an every day shooter ( isn't that what their fucken made for, duh ) so after much research and postings and reading reviews I decided that the best bang for my $ was the Norinco JW 15, hell even Mudgripz gave it his mighty praise. I was hooked and choose a stunning example of Chinese engineering , the machining marks and grease were barely noticeable ( if you stood back 10ft ) and the grain from the hand selected wood from the Monkey fuck tree was..... rather plain actually....but but my point is it was one of the better looking examples I had seen.
    I was so convinced it would be a tack driver I polished the bolt ( with Toothpaste, fuck that gun smelt nice, mint flavor from memory ). The trigger was polished and the scope mounted with more care than a Nasa launch. I was in love, and I don't even have a thing for Asian chicks when surfing porn ( disgusting habit ) but this Chinese hottie and me were gonna fuck some rabbits ..big time.
    Then like that Asian hottie on the inter web thingy it turned out to be a 65 yr old balding pom on the other end , the thing wouldn't shoot, it grouped like ....well like a bloody Ruger 10/22 ... I was shattered, my love affair was destroyed, I was left with a limp dick and a dud rifle ( and they say God exists ). The Chinese harlot was returned for a refund but the the damage was done never would I buy Chinese porn I mean guns again.
    Forward 8 yrs and I am living in Cromwell the rabbit Vega's of the south and my itch has returned, bloody Mudgripz and other are all wanking on about the budget Norinco, ohhh it's so great, ohhh I shot a rabbit at 600mtrs from the hip, bastards had me looking at Asian porn..... fuck...I mean guns again. Now I am chewing through some rounds living down here and really did think I need a work horse. Off to the local sports store " what ya got " oh that's cheap. Salespeople love me ... anyway on the shelf was a recently traded JW15.... rifle, mag, rings, scope, suppressor $200....POS I thought, even the wood from the Monkeyfuck tree was plain, however with my Ninja like negotiating skills I had the reassurance that if it shot like it's ugly sister from 8 yrs ago I could return it.
    Now this time round I didn't polish the bitchs bolt ( shame cause the other rifle always made me feel like I had fresh breath ). It was dirty ( that's how I like my women ) so I pulled the bolt down and then started noticing a few things. It was filthy, sub sonic ammo, suppressor never removed, but once I cleaned it all up there were no dings or bruises on the wood, crown looked excellent trigger felt pretty good, 2 stage and nice let off, no rust and rifling sharp and clean. Almost like it's done 200 - 300 rounds and nothing much else. Salesman did say the the scope would be rubbish, a little beaten up, that's cool but we will mention that later.
    So sight in time, not even on the paper ( A3 ) at 30 mtrs, fuck me here we go again . Ended up shooting little rocks in a paddock at 30 mtrs to see were it's going. Adjustments made, hmmm, more finer adjustments, well well , do a test group, 40mtrs , 3 shots in 12mm, shit this thing shoots, really well. Had a hunt today, still learning the trigger but rolling rabbits at 10 - 90 mtrs .. ohhh and by the way, the cheap scope ( I didn't mention it in the shop ) is an older Burris Fullfeild 2-7 made in the USA, the body's lost alittle paint but the optic's are awesome.... god I love Chinese porn.....I mean rifles....

  11. #41
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by viper View Post
    Well this is a tale of two Norinco's, I was going to start a new thread but this fits nicely in here. A warning to the more sensitive types the story starts out bad but has a happy ending ( spoiler alert )
    Several years ago I decided that despite the fact I had a excellent .22 already there was a itch in my balls that needed scratching and by justifying to myself that the stunning .22 I had was too good to use as an every day shooter ( isn't that what their fucken made for, duh ) so after much research and postings and reading reviews I decided that the best bang for my $ was the Norinco JW 15, hell even Mudgripz gave it his mighty praise. I was hooked and choose a stunning example of Chinese engineering , the machining marks and grease were barely noticeable ( if you stood back 10ft ) and the grain from the hand selected wood from the Monkey fuck tree was..... rather plain actually....but but my point is it was one of the better looking examples I had seen.
    I was so convinced it would be a tack driver I polished the bolt ( with Toothpaste, fuck that gun smelt nice, mint flavor from memory ). The trigger was polished and the scope mounted with more care than a Nasa launch. I was in love, and I don't even have a thing for Asian chicks when surfing porn ( disgusting habit ) but this Chinese hottie and me were gonna fuck some rabbits ..big time.
    Then like that Asian hottie on the inter web thingy it turned out to be a 65 yr old balding pom on the other end , the thing wouldn't shoot, it grouped like ....well like a bloody Ruger 10/22 ... I was shattered, my love affair was destroyed, I was left with a limp dick and a dud rifle ( and they say God exists ). The Chinese harlot was returned for a refund but the the damage was done never would I buy Chinese porn I mean guns again.
    Forward 8 yrs and I am living in Cromwell the rabbit Vega's of the south and my itch has returned, bloody Mudgripz and other are all wanking on about the budget Norinco, ohhh it's so great, ohhh I shot a rabbit at 600mtrs from the hip, bastards had me looking at Asian porn..... fuck...I mean guns again. Now I am chewing through some rounds living down here and really did think I need a work horse. Off to the local sports store " what ya got " oh that's cheap. Salespeople love me ... anyway on the shelf was a recently traded JW15.... rifle, mag, rings, scope, suppressor $200....POS I thought, even the wood from the Monkeyfuck tree was plain, however with my Ninja like negotiating skills I had the reassurance that if it shot like it's ugly sister from 8 yrs ago I could return it.
    Now this time round I didn't polish the bitchs bolt ( shame cause the other rifle always made me feel like I had fresh breath ). It was dirty ( that's how I like my women ) so I pulled the bolt down and then started noticing a few things. It was filthy, sub sonic ammo, suppressor never removed, but once I cleaned it all up there were no dings or bruises on the wood, crown looked excellent trigger felt pretty good, 2 stage and nice let off, no rust and rifling sharp and clean. Almost like it's done 200 - 300 rounds and nothing much else. Salesman did say the the scope would be rubbish, a little beaten up, that's cool but we will mention that later.
    So sight in time, not even on the paper ( A3 ) at 30 mtrs, fuck me here we go again . Ended up shooting little rocks in a paddock at 30 mtrs to see were it's going. Adjustments made, hmmm, more finer adjustments, well well , do a test group, 40mtrs , 3 shots in 12mm, shit this thing shoots, really well. Had a hunt today, still learning the trigger but rolling rabbits at 10 - 90 mtrs .. ohhh and by the way, the cheap scope ( I didn't mention it in the shop ) is an older Burris Fullfeild 2-7 made in the USA, the body's lost alittle paint but the optic's are awesome.... god I love Chinese porn.....I mean rifles....
    What an epic viper... ever thought of getting into writing porn scripts?

  12. #42
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Apr 2013
    Had a 303 SMLE that would shoot about 3" at 100m with rubbish ammo but around 1.5 inch with 180gr Federal. Cost me $120.
    I owned a JW15 for about 2 weeks that wouldn't shoot under an inch at 50yards, more like 1.5. But my dad has one that will shoot under and inch at 50yards every time.

    Apparently over the 20 years he has owned it, lots of people have commented it's the most accurate, nicest trigger they have ever felt on a rimfire.
    But compared to my CZ452 it's a heap of shit. But at least the safety goes in the right direction.

  13. #43
    Member viper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    What an epic viper... ever thought of getting into writing porn scripts?
    Why thankyou 300calman, as a matter of fact yes I have....but that's another story
    Feather or Shoot and Beaker like this.

  14. #44
    Member GravelBen's Avatar
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    The Norincos seem to be a bit of a lottery - if you get a good one its a real bargain, if you get a bad one you... don't.

    Even the ones that shoot well are generally a rough as guts factory finish, they smooth out a bit over time but owners often prefer to polish and tidy them up.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Easy. My Marlin 980s. Payed $300 for it and its shoots a ragged holes at 50. My 708 tikka barnd spanking for $900 with scope was pretty damn good value also.



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