If you were half as handsome as me you’d be a much better person
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Hi Akaro1, what caliber is your blaser into? Nice animal buy the way
Absolutely correct.
The best single shot chamois caliber
6.5x65R RWS
Second only to the 7x65R Brenneke.
I do like those Scott Traill tube rifles...can't message him on FB but have tried an email I found.
Sorry no !
I sold all my Winchester lever actions as a lot to a guy up North
And decided to sink the funds into some serious vintage single shots
Another single shot option. I shot a 45/70classy wood for the $ and better trigger than my Baikel. One in 308 or 243?
They look good. Gun city have them for 900. Also they are clearing out their TCs. I thought these would make good mountain rifles with 26 or 28inch barrels. They have 243, 270, 308 and 300wm among others
Thanks man... I like the idea of one in a 45-70 shooting cast lead and blackpowder…. a Marlin Guide Gun in that cal or .444 would be nice too
I've posted this before on the forum but it's changed slightly since then, still a work in progress. My Thompson Contender G1, a classy little takedown single shot in 30-30 I think. Barrel fluted, just fractionally over legal length, mil-spec coated. Swapped the front grip for some carbon fiber tube, I'm working on a carbon tube stock (just a mock up with blue tac currently). I've got a permit for a pistol grip, hopefully that plan will come together. As pictured it's bang on 2.1kg, I think it will break the sub 2kg mark... Who knows, thread an Oceania Defense suppressor on it? Taken plenty of animals with it. Recoil is fine.
Last edited by joelhenton; 14-11-2019 at 08:54 PM.