Its a Ruger... so no surprises.
I actually agree with systolic here, get a CZ instead.
Its a Ruger... so no surprises.
I actually agree with systolic here, get a CZ instead.
Welcome to Sako club.
Sorry, I did not realise it was your first new rifle. If I knew, I would not have been so glib about wedding night disappointments. )-:>
The question left hanging is what happened. Ruger are really proud of their rotary magazines, so please follow up and post exactly what the shop reports about the malfunction. And bear in mind when dealing with them that there's not a very high profit margin on selling guns -- they really want to keep your repeat custom.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
@dogmatix a very highly underrated brand. The 223, 22lr, 25-06, 270, and 300WM 77s all shoot great. Can't speak for the new ones except the one I'm having an issue with.
@Cordite hahaha Its ok shit happens. At least I have been lucky and all the 2nd hand rifles have shot well. I'm sure this rifle shoots and hopefully the feeding and ejecting issues are solved. If not the CZ felt very nice.
As one who has done an awful lot of this type of job for the various importers over the years, I can assure you that the job is both minor and routine. Probably only about 15 minutes of work. Ruger, like most production rifles are assembled, test-fired and packed by semi-skilled workers. Such minor teething problems are not uncommon in all brands and are easily rectified with some minor adjustment. The basic design is good, just a bit of fitting required.
@gundoc Thanks makes me feel a bit better. I'd likely be happier if I could choose the gunsmith. From what I can tell magazine is of pretty poor quality compared to every magazine I have seen. The ejection seems to be a combination of loose bolt fit and not enough engagement of the fixed ejector.
The Ruger rotary magazine is head and shoulders above all other .22 magazines in terms of design, reliability of feeding, and long life. It is fair to say however, that sometimes not every one is perfect. The mag is easy to tune for reliable feeding.
How’s the vx3 though??
@Unihunter where we're you planning on having a blast? If anywhere near me I'd be keen and you can borrow my cznot got anything planned tomorrow or monday