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Thread: CZ 457 Price check

  1. #16
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by jakewire View Post
    Standard 452 American
    The American has the funny 3/8"/13mm dovetail, the 457 has the standard euro 11mm rail.

    Rings may fit but likely be better to get new rings.
    jakewire likes this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2019
    Interesting that folks dont like the 455s. I have a heavy barrel 17HMR and it goes really well. Love it. I run the Bushnell dial up scope on it and cant fault the rig out to 200m on bunnies etc. I raced out and bought the stainless 455 17HMR when the model changed. To used on the job walking and chasing the dog after small nasties. It is the nicest fitting and handling 17 I could find. And not too big and heavy like the Tikka TX1. Hopefully it shoots like the HB version. Both mine are shortened to 16 inches, suppressed and triggers reworked.
    nor-west likes this.

  3. #18
    Member viper's Avatar
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    Feb 2015
    Not a fan of any switch barrel system regardless of make . I thought the 455 was a step backwards from the 452.
    Big CZ fan though, always found them to be very good shooters .

  4. #19
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    Less than 130 km from the sea
    455 has a far higher chance of getting one with a mediocre accuracy than 452, that is its biggest problem.

    If you read rimfire central, you get a lot more threads of people with mediocre 455 discussing accurasing it. Far few people needed to accurase 452.

    At the same time, the switch barrel system did not add anything useful. Most countries do not have a limit on how many rimfire guns you can have. If you want a 22lr and 17hmr, just buy one each. 455 sells on the idea that you can have 1 gun for the two calibres. In reality it does not work that well.

    Firstly, unless you buy a combo set, your second barrel will not be matching to your action. You will need to do a lot of work to make the headspace fit perfectly. Most people cannot be bothered doing this.

    Secondly, changing the barrel will change POI. Unless you live on a farm, changing barrel means another trip to the range to sight in the scope. If you are so poor that you cannot afford to buy another gun you probably cannot afford membership and the gas money to the range on frequent basis either.

    As result, most people just leave the gun with one barrel. I have a 17hmr 455 Varmint, I have a 22LR barrel which I just cannot be bothered putting on for this reason.

    This is why despite the promise of revolution, 455 turned out with a far weaker following than its predecessor.

    It is still early days for 457, but based on what I have read of people reviews:
    1. the expensive variants are gorgeous looking.
    2, 457 is no more accurate than 455.
    viper likes this.



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