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Thread: CZ452 adjustable stock/chassis?

  1. #1
    MB is offline
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    CZ452 adjustable stock/chassis?

    Having had a play with my much neglected CZ452-2E ZKM (American) and reminding myself what a bloody good gun it is (consistent MOA groups once I sorted myself out), I'd liked to put an adjustable stock or chassis on it. Two reasons, the stock has always been a little short for me and I have a boy who needs to learn to shoot, so something that can grow with him would be ideal. I realise it's an older model, so choices are limited. The only option seems to be Gun Rack based in NZ who order Boyds Stocks from the USA. Any thoughts on this, or alternatives? Cheers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Mdt chassis?

  3. #3
    MB is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by blair993 View Post
    Mdt chassis?
    That would be ideal, but they don't seem to make one for the CZ452 (they do one for the CZ455 which is different I believe).

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    thye make (or did) a lss for the 452. I will check.
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  5. #5
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    The issue with the CZ452 is there are multiple different actions screw layouts depending on the model, my 452 22lr and 452 17hmr are completely different and both are different to the CZ455.

    I looked into this myself recently as I want a more tactical style stick for my 17hmr.
    Boyd's are by far the cheapest option, usually you can buy direct from them but due to USPS not shipping to NZ or Australia due to Covid, so you can't get it shipped.
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  6. #6
    Member novembersierra's Avatar
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    The good news is Armurerie FMR in France used to make the RS1 chassis for the CZ452 when it was current production. They currently show the CZ455 but I'm not up to speed as to whether or not the screw spacing is the same.

    The bad news is they're expensive and the export permit procedure is convoluted.

    Apologies for the wind up but here's a picture anyway.

    Name:  FMR_RS1 CZ455.jpg
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