I've looked recently and couldn't find such a thing.
I wanted something a lot lighter than my PMII, so ruled out many Vortex, Leupold MK, Zeiss, Swaro Z6, Kahles etc.
I decided on a Leupold VX3i 4.5-14x40 SF 30mm with CDS.
I got cm/100m dials via custom shop at great expense.
It is only 2FP and I will have to forgo the scaling marks and either dial or hold, guessing cm on the target.
I went for a heavy duplex reticle but that's just me; I can't see fine ones in the dark.
So, it cost similar to a VX5 and took about a month and a bit on order.
I've only used it once so can't vouch for its overall quality yet.
It weighs 441g.
Glass is as good as my eyes can use.
The dials are quite easy to turn and I have already had them move a few clicks while walking, not solid like the S&B.
It has 55cm/100m per turn and no zero lock or turn indicator.
It's a compromise, mostly looking for lightness.
Attachment 120961