There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
A 7 Rem mag with a Terminator on it is pussy cat to shoot, less recoil than a light 243
Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
Excellent comparison video @Kiwi Greg
The T2 certainly tames the beast alright.
Arguing with an Engineer is like Wrestling a Pig in Mud.
After awhile you realise the Pig loves it.
Welll I personally can think of several........................................... ..........dozen
@gadgetman If you are up this way on a Saturday morning come shoot with me. I seem to be shooting plates most Saturday morning at some distance over 3,4 or 500 + (except for today when I tipped over my first ever porker on my first ever proper piggy hunt with dogs)
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!