Makes me realise how lucky I am - mine just says "hey, new gun ? Nice !"
1,200 though, yeah nah....
Makes me realise how lucky I am - mine just says "hey, new gun ? Nice !"
1,200 though, yeah nah....
My better half just rolls her eyes, but I think if i tried for 1200 I would have problems-space being just one of them!
Using Tapatalk
While im not in that league, I was asked on the weekend how many guns i owned and i couldnt remember them all so im getting there.
It was a bit like one busy az winter (head down bum up. stupid work !) i went into my safe and found a new 10/22. I had always wanted one and there was one in there! After a bit of head scratching i just remembered buying it.
Apparently in Texas the saying is "if you know how many guns you own you don't have enough"
I had to show that to the other half.
She always asks why I " NEED" another rifle. I tell her it's not NEED I just WANT. Then she mutters something about shoes or something and goes away.
Yes I can relate to that, luckily she thinks my sneakily aquired Daniel Defense is my RockRiver, although has peered at it with suspicion
Mines sweet. Can't tell them apart. Calls them pointy tubes with oar type thingies on the end.
In a gun shop with my brother,he has more of a an issue,disposable income,older so more time to build a collection and maybe a tad prone to memory fade.Anyway he is handling a rifle that caught his eye and I can see the justifications scrolling through his mind when after about a minute he pauses having realized that it WAS HIS,he had left it there a year before to sell on behalf.So happy man walks out with a firearm with no $$$ changing hands.
Guns are cheap there. He must of had a big safe
Sent from my workbench
If i could have a full time job shooting pests i'm up for over time.
how many stamps do you have in your collection?
Imagine the size of his.......... Safe
Boom, cough,cough,cough
well, you got to admit, there are several calibers to try
To answer the question in the title, no.
I guess this just proves that old chestnut, he who dies with the most toys, still dies...