If people are concerned their emotions will get in the way of putting in a submission, try just using bulletpoints. It won't read like a novel, but it WILL be a submission, and it will include all your observations and arguments.
If people are concerned their emotions will get in the way of putting in a submission, try just using bulletpoints. It won't read like a novel, but it WILL be a submission, and it will include all your observations and arguments.
Come on guys - bickering and bitching isnt going to help anyone make their own submission.
Is anyone prepared to post the basic body of their submission or even just pieces , to show others what can be done ?
We all need to get on board and help each other , not do the tall poppy thing.
too old to die young
I have my doubts upon whether or not anything will arise from my submission but i have made one
can't be bothered with submissions for anything (not just firearms) they ether don't read them or they cherry pick the ones that suit the particular argument
at the end of the day the govt will do what they want regardless of what you have wasted 20mins of your life to write up
Please everyone submit.
I have been working through the act and a detailed list of issues to write a good submission. Yes some policy wonk at Justice might totally ignore it but man we've gotta try.
I'll post my bullet point things I think should be changed or equally importantly NOT changed.
Well, completed my submission after about three interrupted hours this afternoon.
Read the Colfo guide first which I didn't fine overly helpful but hoping it will help others.
Couldn't address or answer every question as some I found a bit over my pay grade but tried putting logical info into questions I fely a little qualified to tackle.
Anyway, I'm glad I got to at least offer my 2c worth and hope in the end we can all se some benefit in the final law.
I think COLFO missed plenty of things that need addressed. Particularly what the MOJ discussion document calls the "product definitions".
As soon as you could flick that up haha. Got a few little jobs to clear then will look at this one.
I completed my submission. If you don't at least try,they will continue as they are. Sure the dog and pony show the last government took on a road trip was a farce,but at least this time things appear more reasonable.
"Sixty percent of the time,it works every time"
NZDA are emailing submission pointers to members this week.
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
- Rumi