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Thread: E Cat processing time - Central districts

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Sent district commander a long winded email outlining my (and other's) problems with getting anything out of this guy.

    Got a reply this morning they are looking into it.

    They seriously need an employment performance management plan for this guy - either he needs to fix his issues (particularly around false promises) or he needs a new job.

    Will see what happens now I guess.
    Feral and Tommy like this.

  2. #32
    Member Jexla's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by sykoticnz View Post
    Sent district commander a long winded email outlining my (and other's) problems with getting anything out of this guy.

    Got a reply this morning they are looking into it.

    They seriously need an employment performance management plan for this guy - either he needs to fix his issues (particularly around false promises) or he needs a new job.

    Will see what happens now I guess.
    He needs to be fired, would have happened a long time ago if he worked in the private sector.
    sykoticnz likes this.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    So thought I better update this.

    Another month later, and 2 more complaints to superintendent and I have an email stating it's finished, and card is on the way.
    Absolutely shocking... but got there. 9 month's since first contact, and 6 months since I formally handed in all the documents and paid the fee.

    Now, who's got a Garand M1 for me to buy?



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