Well actually we are discussing "bushpigs" which to my way of thinking means suppressed and short barrel rifles. You must have got lost, this isn't a hearing protection thread.
So yes we are discussing the other benefits of suppressors. One of which is additional protection from hearing loss. A 30DB reduction reduces noise to 1/8 of its unsuppressed effect. To not understand the significance of that in terms of reduced risk seems rather superficial.
Again, suppressors reduce damage and risk, they don't eliminate it. You get to make the call on what strategy you employ to mitigate risk or damage.
But I am sick of those "suppressors don't save your hearing" lines when the next one is, I use my 30/30 in the bush unsuppressed, but its not that often so its OK..
What I know is that firing a shot out a suppressed rifle in the bush, doesn't make my ears ring when an unsuppressed rifle does - with just a single shot.
And that is a positive outcome for having an ugly rifle with a stupid name and a suppressor permanently attached...
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