I know of one particular case where a C Category Firearm was used, resulting in injury to the person firing it ( not the registered owner).
IIRC the operator may have lost his licence, but didn't go to jail. The whole thing was kept very quiet.
I know of one particular case where a C Category Firearm was used, resulting in injury to the person firing it ( not the registered owner).
IIRC the operator may have lost his licence, but didn't go to jail. The whole thing was kept very quiet.
The thing about what Kiwited did, was he didn't just go out on a boat to shoot one, he went out into international waters to do it. Technically he was only in breach of import/export laws, as he wasn't in NZ when he did it. Still silly.
Identify your target beyond all doubt
I don’t think there’s any doubt on the legalities of meth amongst the general populace. Plenty wouldn’t be to sure about c cat licenses.
Some of you fuckers are precious beyond belief. This forum is for all of us not just the few censors. If you don’t like a thread don’t read it. Like frigging teenage girls some of you.
Clean your panties out bud, hypotheticals don't hurt anyone.
Follow up question that is more of a discussion starter than a hypothetical: shooting B-Cat pistols at a home range? I never got this, you have at least six months of experience and training yet it is stilll only "safe" for you to shoot at a pistol club? Why? Why is plinking a few rounds at a home range with your pistol illegal?
Proceed to discuss and shit panties.
He doesn't even have a C endorsement. Why don't people read posts before they get all self righteous?
If you were allowed to blast away with C cats, the price of them would likely quadruple. People with tons of money would be tripping over themselves to get machine guns, and you would end up with a situation like the USA where a transferable M16 lower costs tens of thousands of dollars.
There is a way of doing this without getting in any trouble. Dress yourself in licra , preferably with a number on your back and shoot while riding a cycle. You can't get done dic on a cycle, you can race on public roads and you don't have to obey any road rules so I can't see why you'll get in any trouble firing a C cat as everything else seems to be aloud. But for gods sake where a helmet because that is mandatory and you would get in trouble if caught! If your'e a crap shot then I'd suggest a trike but if your'e a bit of a good shot maybe a uni cycle would be more challenging? Either way make sure you piss off any other road users that happen by to avoid drawing unwanted attention to yourself. On no account give any indication or keep left out of peoples way. Pairing up helps in blocking lanes and pissing motorists off so buddy up and have fun
The op asked a question. People answered it. Very simple.
The best camouflage pattern is 'hold still and be quiet. '
I don't see the problem with that tbh. As far as I know none of the US's numerous mass shootings have been comitted with select fire guns because it's only middle aged financially successful types who can afford them. We don't have the lack of mental health care the US does so we don't have mass school shootings, and I can't imagine our local gang bangeres would be forking out 30k for a full auto AK when they can have an SKS for $500 or a sawn off shotty for $100.
If we continued down the line of the philosophy we already have with firearms (vetting, licensing, interviews, safe storage, etc) I think we could safely be allowed full autos. Make it a subcategory to E-Cat, once you have E-Cat you can apply for select fire category with an even beefier safe (or maybe the requirement that it's kept at a gun club?) and get a mandatory mental evaluation from a shrink, a couple of interviews with cops, your family thoroughly interviewed and vetted, etc etc.
Trip to Vegas be cheaper the first couple of meetings with your lawyers - then you can order like McDonalds at a shooting range - Super Size me a M2 50cal