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Thread: Firearm Registry Data Questions and Answers

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    The arms officer that processed the mail order permit then after waiting 30mins for the authority to clarify that it was in the legislation. They gave me the reference (something like schedule 1 B part 5) but I'm still not seeing it there so I think I need to take a long hard look tonight

    I can't find anything on mail orders being a trigger
    I end up going around in circles trying to read it
    Either way part 4 is the circumstances, part 5 is the timeframe

    Anyone else doing a mail order?
    Last edited by Squirrel; 30-06-2023 at 02:47 PM.

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    On the mail order approval from police for a suppressor:

    NOTE TO PURCHASER: the receipt of this item represents an Activating Event under the new Firearms Registry legislation. Once you take possession of this item you are lawfully required to provide information about all firearms, restricted weapons, major firearm parts, prohibited magazines or pistol carbine conversion kits in your possession. The timeframe for doing this is 30 days.

  3. #153
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    So from above it looks like receipt of the mail order permit is the trigger not the receipt of the item.
    Which ever way thank goodness I got my 10 shot CZ mag a couple of months ago.
    Likewise an import permit. Last year I had an import permit but ended up not using it. If I was to do that again (get permit but not use it) it appears I would have to register my firearms. Again the trigger isn't the receipt of the item but the permit itself. Gotcha!

  4. #154
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    Jul 2021
    Can't say I agree with what they are saying and I'll see if I can get further clarification however the chances of talking it over with anyone higher up may be nil.
    I hoped to be years off entering into the registry but such is life

    Just letting everyone know as this will surprise a lot of people that order stocks, ammo or any other items that aren't on 'the list'
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  5. #155
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    Jan 2018
    I am in the same boat at the moment.
    Got a permit just before rego.
    Waiting to hear back from supplier
    I have to notify rozzers 30 days from parts hitting my hot little hands.
    I have emailed the permit issuer for clarification

  6. #156
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmer View Post
    So from above it looks like receipt of the mail order permit is the trigger not the receipt of the item.
    Which ever way thank goodness I got my 10 shot CZ mag a couple of months ago.
    Likewise an import permit. Last year I had an import permit but ended up not using it. If I was to do that again (get permit but not use it) it appears I would have to register my firearms. Again the trigger isn't the receipt of the item but the permit itself. Gotcha!
    @zimmer quote from my email from the department. No as I got the permit in before hand, Im sweet.
    "When you receive your magazine and notify us by email, as per the Section 13 Regulation on your permit, this will not create an activating event with the Firearms Registry Team, as you do not need to register a magazine"
    Thought it might be the case but the way these things work its hard to tell.

  7. #157
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    I wasn't talking about what major parts or arms items you will need to register.
    I was talking about what "arms items" will trigger an activating circumstance.
    If you look at legislation.govt.nz an arms items is defined as any parts of a firearm.
    Feel free to import a magazine or purchase a rifle stock from and then come back and tell us how it went. Good luck!

  8. #158
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    Jan 2018
    @ronz as posted just above. I managed to get the permit in before rego so that point is moot
    The permit issuer told me on the email that a magazine isn't a triggering part. That is from the person who issued myself and 3 others, import permits for the magazines.
    If I wanted a permit now maybe not, but it would be worth asking before it was approved

  9. #159
    DPT is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronz View Post
    I wasn't talking about what major parts or arms items you will need to register.
    I was talking about what "arms items" will trigger an activating circumstance.
    If you look at legislation.govt.nz an arms items is defined as any parts of a firearm.
    Feel free to import a magazine or purchase a rifle stock from and then come back and tell us how it went. Good luck!
    In relation to the register, the two classes of arms items you are referring to above are the same thing.
    For example, on one hand you are saying a magazine is an arms item, but on the other hand we are not required to register a magazine. How would I deal with the below picture when manufacturing a magazine? I must register it within 5 days but I dont need to register it because its not a major firearm part.

    In relation to the register, arms items are major firearms parts, so I dont need to register a magazine when I manufacture one.

    That is my interpretation.

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  10. #160
    Join Date
    Mar 2020
    Some feedback from someone that's endeavoured to beat the undoubted rush of willing firearm owners.....

    "I got the following earlier this week from one of our members concerning his experiences so far with the new Firearms Registry which I'm passing on for the information of members who have firearms licences.

    "My experiences this week........

    I decided to register my few Permitted items this week as an experiment to see how things worked. and already have found an error in the resulting on line Registration record - a totally fictional serial number entered against one item.

    I will be phoning the Registry tomorrow morning to request a correction

    Also had 2 other problems with the Registry this week

    refused to accept my Submission on line - had to phone the Registry to have it manually accepted
    my whole submission was duplicated - had to phone the Registry to have the duplicate record manually deleted
    Called at 8.35 am Monday to get in early for help and still waited nearly 30 minutes to get someone to answer the phone and that someone had poor English and could not answer my questions on the protocol to follow

    Suggest you may advise all Members to very carefully check all the details immediately they appear on each individual's private portal to the register

    The Registry demands the item be matched against a standardised menu of types / makes / models / calibres / magazine capacities before allowing the serial number to be entered. The menu appears inflexible / predetermined, and by no means complete. Magazine capacities for rifles also appear to be predetermined in the menu- I am not sure how customised magazine capacities are recognised (ie a pump .22 that originally held 15 rounds and has been reduced to say 8 rounds, or a magazine that has been totally disabled back to zero capacity for single shot competition.

    The learning curve continues......"
    shananah likes this.

  11. #161
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    Quote Originally Posted by DPT View Post
    In relation to the register, the two classes of arms items you are referring to above are the same thing.
    For example, on one hand you are saying a magazine is an arms item, but on the other hand we are not required to register a magazine. How would I deal with the below picture when manufacturing a magazine? I must register it within 5 days but I dont need to register it because its not a major firearm part.

    In relation to the register, arms items are major firearms parts, so I dont need to register a magazine when I manufacture one.

    That is my interpretation.

    Attachment 227977
    The feedback I am providing is from the supervisor who was put on the phone at the 0800 firearm registry number.
    As I said before the girl/girls who answered my call could not answer my questions BUT the supervisor was clear, concise and very precise.
    1. I asked what constitutes an arms items pursuant to the registry
    He reply with section 2 of the arms act 1983 and he read it to me and I followed it on legislation.govt.nz
    2, I then asked how am I suppoose to register the spring or magazine I will import.
    He (the supervisor) replied "this will not be necessary and is not required" but he was quick to point that any arms item as per section 2 of the Arms act 1983 description, imported, manufactured, exported, lost, etc will trigger an "activating circumstance" regardless if that item is a major part pursuant of the registry desciption or not.
    As I said before, feel free to import any arms items and see how it goes.
    I am just providing the feedback after a conversation with the register supervisor.
    Micky Duck, dannyb, RV1 and 1 others like this.

  12. #162
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    to answer the question ...do I /how do I register an action that hasnt got a calibre????
    well maybe ask the likes of gunworks who sell actions them self what they did???
    and Im guessing if its only half an action (an inaction perhaps?) it may not need to be registered..eg the action/frame without a bolt..or indeed a bolt without an action/frame????
    or in the case of a break open... the breach block and barrel stub are two parts of a whole and neither can function without the other
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  13. #163
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Activating circumstances for registration - any Police (or Arms Regulator) compliance activity (they call it "being subject to any compliance or enforcement action under the Arms Act"). That is any permit to import, mail order permit, dealer interaction, residence or security check, change of address, grumpy ex partner being a dick and complaining to score points at the family court or probably even having the auditors drop in while you're on the range if they record it as an interaction event. It's a fairly broad brush and you don't have a long time period after encountering a trigger event to push through your registration list.

  14. #164
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No.3 View Post
    Activating circumstances for registration - any Police (or Arms Regulator) compliance activity (they call it "being subject to any compliance or enforcement action under the Arms Act"). That is any permit to import, mail order permit, dealer interaction, residence or security check, change of address, grumpy ex partner being a dick and complaining to score points at the family court or probably even having the auditors drop in while you're on the range if they record it as an interaction event. It's a fairly broad brush and you don't have a long time period after encountering a trigger event to push through your registration list.
    We had a range audit this Saturday just gone. Theo oh member interacted with was our club president who met him a half hour early. The rest of us never payed eyes on the dude
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
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    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
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    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  15. #165
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Look what happened to COLFO at the official register launch!
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    the aftermath.

    Matsuo Basho.



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