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Thread: First rifle for older person? Meat hunting. Only be allowed one.

  1. #31
    Member Banana's Avatar
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    An AR ticks off everything listed except 'quiet to chamber'.
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  2. #32
    res is offline
    Member res's Avatar
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    You can chamber a AR fairly quietly if it has a fwd assist,a bit slow but it works.

    A ar with a ss barrel and coated bcg and trigger and a vx1 2-7 scope would seem to fit the bill
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  3. #33
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    Australia / Marlborough Sounds
    Quote Originally Posted by Reliable View Post
    Hi, what would be the ideas/options of -

    1; $1-$3 K;-

    or 2; under $1k.

    Purpose = goats/pigs say 30-80 m. Occasionally longer range on target-say to 180m useful (geese/goats). Own cows at about 20m.

    Place= bush with lots supplejack, wet, steep clay-some open country.

    Thought needs to be shorter than 1 m overall length, lighter than 5 kg if possible.

    5+ shot semi auto = good.
    (I can carry two goats at once- so mob shooting is good)

    Needs to be quiet to suit with dog and me- and the complaining neighbours or their visitors.
    Within 400 m at certain points- also valley reverberation.

    Nothing too protruding to get knocked off.

    Able to be used as a walking staff- unloaded and muzzle end covered of course.

    Affordable to run- like bullet cost-muzzle life.

    Consistently accurate-(currently easily can do my 3 shots at 100m with air-rifle in a $2 coin space)- so needs to be better than me.

    Quiet to chamber- amazing what you can hear in the bush.

    Will handle being dropped in the river occasionally and definitely getting wet - rain is continuous sometimes.

    Some sort of scope on it- for those distances and in low light, or at night with small spotlight.
    Pigs do come out between 1am and daybreak-so easy to get them then too.

    Lowish recoil- even if I was still 18- am interested in making it easier for me.

    Left Handed = good, as am used to that.

    Don't need for rabbits or possums-.22 air-rifle good enough.

    Needs to be centrefire- so can get DOC permit if necessary.

    Last more than 4-5 years-scope might not-getting wet-but rifle should with reasonable maintenance.
    If time-maybe 600 rounds a year.

    Early next year is the plan- sat Mountain safety course short while ago(passed)-so apply for FAL when certain domestic situation resolved/ and own place.

    What useful ideas? thanks.

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    Spook and steven like this.

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    Middle Earth
    Sako, bruno, tikka, howa, Rem 700, Win mod 70. Find one that "fits". Cut a manuka walking stick - suck it in and buy a second hand bolt action and work on rapid fire from the shoulder - there's only been a few times with goats I wished for more than 5 shots. Spend the remainder on a scope. Short actions and their cases drop less velocity when the barrel is chopped.

    Those Daystate "air guns" are no less than 3g new bare, the high power ones are around 80ftlb (22 short plus) and accurate to boot. You have good friends
    veitnamcam likes this.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    Balclutha, South Otago.
    Try a suppressed AR chambered in .300 blk. Or a bolt action if you don't need a semi. Super-sonic 110g for 200m shots and 235g sub-sonic up close. 600 rounds a year would make it worth setting up to reload your own.
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  6. #36
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    I have an original Belgium assembled Browning BAR .243 in good condition. Just been milspec coated. No scope. Was sold but the buyer couldn't get things sorted as he's stuck out in the boonies somewhere down south. Anyway $650 to a forum member plus freight. Just put it on TM last night and it already has a lot of watchers but can withdraw before anyone bids.

    Would make a good rifle for a southpaw.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouser View Post
    SKS semi auto in 7.62 X 39 will tick 90% of your 'wants and needs'.........IMHO.....
    except its a noisy bastard to chamber.

    But the cartridge,

    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I would go 7.62x39 in a CZ (about $1350 new) or similar reasonable quality bolt action with a $250 ish suppressor, lefties seem come up cheaper as well. The Norincos I'm told are awful crap that break all the time. I mate has one for sale if you dont want to listen, he just bought the CZ, Reasoning 1) cheap steel ammo, 2) good enough range and energy, 3) cheap steel ammo, 4) quiet to chamber, 5) fairly light and short. If you want a semi then an SKS but they are noisy to chamber, otherwise reasoning, 1) dirt cheap at $500, 2) still use that Barnaul cheap ammo. Otherwise an AR15 I suppose but noise and $2k!
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Would den Reliable whatever you get will be perfect according to this knowledgable ranting, get a dart, aim it at rifles for sale on Tardme and chuck. Hopefully it will be within your price range. The rest is peripheral bullshit and about as important as this thread! Good luck! Well something has to go right for you!
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    mate if you wanna shoot geese -get a bloody shotgun ok. centrefires are a waste of time and space and bloody dangerous to boot ,let alone an expensive way of doing it .camoed gooseshooters do not appreciate high powered centrefire rounds screaming around their ears or through expensive decoys.It is NOT a way to make friends /earn respect.
    A good shotty willa lso add to your hunting experience.rabbits ,possums ,hares ,cats(feral of course)
    as for calibre -Ive a 7.62x39norinco which shares its suppressor with my .303.
    the 7.62 round will handle most things inside 200m radius ,but id be hoping your stalking skills could place you in shorter range than that. the round is very similar to .303 data wise ,but it is much cheaper and has SFA kick.
    interestingly im also a cackhander but use (R)handed rifles as i refuse to be discriminated against by paying an extra $100.00 for the (L)hand version.
    talking of 2nd hand -ive just added a nice wee scoped .223 norinco to my stable -I was lucky to keep eyes peeled and see a bargain!
    Last edited by kotuku; 17-11-2014 at 09:42 PM.

  11. #41
    Join Date
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    The CZ or a Howa or any bolt action with a suppressor will fit the bill nicely. For a big Bomb up the Howa short actions (308, 243, 223) can be fitted with a 10 shot mag but if you go semi, the law says you are only allowed 7. Bolt action will be quieter. A lever action 30/30 would also do but they are either long mags or suppressed. You cannot do both with those.

    As for the walking stick function, get some shooting sticks. Safer and they can be used provide stability for longer shots. I would never use a rifle as a walking stick, especially not a semi auto.

  12. #42
    Join Date
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    Are we there yet????
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  13. #43
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steven View Post
    except its a noisy bastard to chamber.

    But the cartridge,

    Thats probably why i wrote "90% of your needs" and not 100%......
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt



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