Funny you what you say @Flyblown about bush hunting v open because I’ve always hunted bush. Longest shot being 80 meters.
I’ve yet to find a bulletthey have all gone straight through. Back home I was using Norma 100gr. The BLR liked them. I could kill the lion on a Red lion beer tin four shots would have that lion looking rather ragged at 100 yards. Most shots in the Kaimais would be very close two to three meters in places but I could still smash that front shoulder our just bunch one through the next. I never took a shot unless I had a clear sight picture on what I was aiming at. Had one really good stag that gave me the slip because his head was blown in some crown fern and I could not figure out which end I was aiming at? Both the front and back looked like the front. Glad I didn’t just blaze away as he would have had a very saw ass, yep I was looking at the wrong end. When he figured out that I was there one bounce and he was gone, just enough time for me to lay eyes on his antlers
I went back after him every weekend for two months got close twice but he beat me every time. Some poaching spot lighter got him
I would have loved to have tried that ammo from Wanganui Belmont I think it was called. They had some of those round nosed bullet heads you were talking about. This was back in the 90s when there packers where still blue.