I’d almost given up…
I’d almost given up…
I must be a unicorn. I simply don’t like or want to chop anything. I sometimes get excited to see a certain .22 for sale and then open up the advert to find it has been chopped or even threaded. And that’s it for me, I flick on to the next rifle of interest. I do have threaded .22’s but these done as factory. I must confess I don’t own a synthetic stocked .22, so that may contribute to my obsession with how the manufacturer designed a rifle. I accept and appreciate others have a different view and requirement.
Why is factory threaded any different to threaded? I get the barrel chop thing from an anesthetics point but most gunsmith thread and reckons are nicer than factory.
In some cases it looks alright. But most you see either have a front site adapted, or a bare threaded barrel left. In the factory ones i own the thread has a very neat threaded cap. And yes I have seen threaded barrels here with caps done however many are a cheap looking knurled cap which in my opinion detracts from a quality rifle.
And yes I don’t mind a good looking accurate rifle. As I said this is my perspective and I’m simply sharing that. Others have a different view and that’s well respected.