I've got a 700BDL stainless in 7mmRM which I purchased in '95 and a mowhawk in 7-08 that I rebuilt from parts in '98.
I've got a 700BDL stainless in 7mmRM which I purchased in '95 and a mowhawk in 7-08 that I rebuilt from parts in '98.
Unfortunately the only Remington I have ever owned was a 597 semi .22
I brought a gun safe, rifle, ammo and cleaning kit off trademe cheap and only kept the ammo.....
Pretty hard to do worse than a 597.
Use enough gun
I've had a Rem 700 ADL in 7/08, shot great and I really couldn't fault it as a work horse.
Currently have another Rem but something cooler and probably more accurate , a 788 model in 308. it's very accurate and has a cool action .
Yeah the Remington catalogues were a work of art , .... when accountants run a company and it's about $$ and not passion and innovation. It doesn't take long for this to show in the end product.
Dose anyone know or have some photos of the custom shop remington barrel stamps. @gundoc ?
I know that there not all the same.
Im looking at buying a 280 here. They say its a Custom shop one but Id like a second opinion cheers.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Custom shop guns were never barrel stamped as they usually didn't use off the shelf barrels.
Some had floorplate engravings but not all.
UK sellers (presume it is in the UK?) throw the word 'Custom' around like how the phrase 'Turbo' was slapped onto everything in the 80's.
Yes I know thats why the question. Yep its in the UK.
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
There have been several iterations of the Remington Custom Shop, the last one was actually a separate facility which is best showcased by the KUIU Ultimate Sheep Rifle build series:
Barrel stamp of said rifle
I believe this setup was dissolved when Remington last went into administration in the Cerberus Capital era (2007). There was a fire-sale for industry insiders, PTG hoovered up most of what was on offer whilst LRI bought a load of stainless M7 receivers sans bolts...
If you are looking at an older piece, (Dupont Era Remington) then you will probably be best served by looking at the older catalogs that I put a link to in the first post. There was usually a list of Custom shop offerings.
As usual, a good picture or two speaks 1k words!
well very happy with my remmy. 416 rem mag. Shots 3 different loads (albeit 2 of them are a couple of grains different) with 2 completely different pills under moa.
Good trigger and as I got it in 97 it would have to have one of the first batches of the 416s, Only came out in 89. No custom shop on it anywhere and I only say that because for a while about then that was the only way you could get one.
Just tried putting some pics in but it hates me for some reason lol
The only Remington I own.
Velocity is thrilling,but diameter does the real killing.
@jakewire I had the one a year 700 classic in the early '80's mine was in .243 must have been about 82 or late '81 Friend had one in 7mm RM when that came out.
I remember teasing my flatmate that had a mohawk in .308.
"proper Remingtons dont have bent bolt handles!"
Nowadays what do I shoot?, a bent handle M7
I think Remington are screwed.
They won the PSR sniper programme in 2013 and were awarded the contract, but made a bunch of cost cutting changes afterwards and the rifles the delivered and screwed it up, which lead to the termination and the begining of the ASR programme.
If Remington screws up a US Militray contract worth 80million dollars that they had already won, how on earth are they not going to screw up the civilian market.
Found some clips of the Remington Museum, shitty quality and annoying music but gives you an idea of what things were like.
Being able to buy chokes, magazines and stocks in the gift shop!![]()
Sad as people cared about Remington once, but those days are pretty much gone now!