If you are going to buy a svord, don't buy the Peasant, can't hold its edge.
If you are going to buy a svord, don't buy the Peasant, can't hold its edge.
bollocks....... they hold edge just fine,and are not hard to give a quick flick on steel to keep super sharp.
cheap but good??? actually watching croc dundee on the telly...you can buy a blank of that knife for bugger all and put your own scales on it LOL....
75/15/10 black powder matters
the wee 3" the OP has bought...Ive boned out a red hind with one...no steel on me that day.....also dressed out a house mutton. now I will admit the larger version is better/easier but the wee folder got the job done.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Quite like the havalon, mine has a normal folding blade one end and replacement scalpel at the other. Makes cutting around the butt a breeze, everyone's favorite bit!
Use the normal blade for chopping head off. I'm leaving a really nice Benchmade behind for it. Have also been happy with the wee K-bar folder mentioned above very handy and can get quite sharp.
If looking for a replaceable blade knife, I can recommend the Outdoor Edge knives. Not to the taste of some, but does the job and cheap. They're being knocked out on AliExpress for very cheap, but can be bought in NZ as well. Been using one for a while and still using first blade which I resharpen. Unique design which means the blade is unlikely to snap with normal usage. It's nice to to carry a few spare blades on a multi-day trip. There's a thread about this style of knife somewhere.
I bought a Mora Kansbol recently and have been very impressed, lightweight, holds an edge extremely well. Bought it through TM for $70 but generally they go for under $100
Not a folder; but the little 10cm, NZ-made Victory drop point hunter is a cracking wee knife. And only about $26...