Length or width of tube?
As the Katipo fits milspec tube. Yours might be commercial tube?
Length or width of tube?
As the Katipo fits milspec tube. Yours might be commercial tube?
Welcome to Sako club.
It looks like it would fit length wise but the buffer hits the inside of where the butt has been glued in. It must be rifle length because it doesnt have the lock nut it just screws straight into the back of the lower. My bad
Got some photos of your tube and stock?
Welcome to Sako club.
Yeah i know nowBeing a carbine does not mean it has a carbine buffer lol
Longer version(s) will be available in 2 weeks apparently...
for those that want a shorter barrel or those with really long arms @stretch
Any idea how much longer they will be?
Any one know if the longer models will fit a rifle length buffer tube or if all the models will be mil-spec carbine tube only?
$60 for the carbine buffer is good pricing, will get one if I have too, but if it ain't broke...
Last edited by Ben-tard; 03-11-2016 at 11:17 AM. Reason: spelling
Ah well that makes sense cheers nick
Might have to save up for one