Hey mate - sorry, I haven't been on this forum in ages, so I apologise for any late responses to anything.
I did have the chat, but the information was basically as I'd already mentioned. They were movie props that we acquired ex-Australia, from a film armorer. This is why some have been re-chambered (for blanks).
There really isn't any more information I was able to glean i'm sorry!
Never mind the dust cover! Early T38s had the monobipod too.
They are all cock-on-close like the Lee Enfield (and early Mausers) so lend themselves to lighter two-fingered bolt operation. I checked, you can JUST operate the straight bolt with thumb/index finger and fire with middle finger for rapid sequence shots. With the bent bolt of the sniper versions this would feel just natural. Never seen this mentioned in write-ups about Arisakas.
Anyone know how much gunsmiths charge to bend a bolt handle?
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Arisaka 99
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The fold out rear sight wings are notched for anti-aircraft...100, 200, 300 nautical miles from memory. https://youtu.be/y2EkEsvwARE
Here is my collection...I think I've got the main bolt actions from WWII. The MAS36 and Springfield 06 were the hardest and last to get. The folding Carcano bayonet I managed get through EBay luckily, it is my favourite bayonet.
I never tire of seeing it.
Finally got it to post right way up. I should take a photo of the helmut of the left. WWII Japanese with the soldier's name beautifully etched in Kanji.
Great representative collection. @Tikka7mm08 is that a bazookathingame?
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
on the first picture whats the rifle thats shown vertical ?
It is a 3" mortar tube. I have the brass WWII sight as well...very cool. Thinking of selling mortar stuff and just having rifles and WWII handguns when B cat comes thru.