Who is old enough to remember the L V Martin ads on the b&w telly - " its the putting right that counts"When at fault, it's the putting right that counts
Who is old enough to remember the L V Martin ads on the b&w telly - " its the putting right that counts"When at fault, it's the putting right that counts
too old to die young
Most on here![]()
Ha my mum worked there for a bit when I was a teen. The people were great, it wasn't just hot air. They knew their shit, repaired stuff - not like the crowds we have today. I used to buy stuff off LVs, they were good for a bit after Smiths City brought them until all the old LV staff eventually left. They even modded a Sony Trinitron TV I imported from Aussie with an earphone plug because they weren't available in NZ yet. The LV guys did it for free as they were keen to have a nosey around an inside of the new trinitrons.
I've only ever had good experiences with GC personally. Just to provide some balance.
I don't understand why we can't discuss and complain about Gun City without threads being shut down. It's a valid and necessary thing for us to do if a retailer is substandard. Do they advertise on here or something.
Nobody has shut down threads about Hunting and Fishing in my recollection.
like fat berg Ive always found GC staff and David tipple bloody excellent when I had a problem .even given bonus ammo on one occasion after Id purchased a rifle which developed a fault - DT ordered immediate replacement with new one . Iring up find out who imspeaking to and when i go in ask for that person . never fails .
my treatment at another major retail store was in complete contrast so My attendance there is only ever a matter of utter neccesity and now Im a pensioner itll remain thsat way
Not to sure who is the bigger idiot here, the guy the sold the wrong suppressor or the guy who bought the rifle package and went and fired it without checking everything out first. The M15x1 suppressor would of just slipped straight over the M14x1 thread and not pulled up tight at all..
I’ve been dealing with GC and Dave Tipple since his early days. Haven’t had a bad experience yet but like all businesses it might happen. Like any business they do have the odd employee that talks a load of shit, just smile and move on. Just remember DT supports gun sports and didn’t throw certain firearm owners under the bus like another outfit did a few years ago.