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Thread: Gun city quality firearms…. Yea na

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    A baffle strike due to misalignment is more dangerous, but your point is still good.

    I think what needs to be noted here is that most rifles and a lot of suppressors don't list the muzzle thread specs on them, it's a fairly easy mistake to make when you have a lot of options in the pile in front of you. It could have been as simple as a customer placing the wrong can in the right box or pile, and the opposite problem occurring later 'this can doesn't fit...'.

    While the seller is required to make good, they are most definitely not required to front up on an unrelated forum and own up to their mistake. I actually find that quite refreshing and rare in this day and age. If only car dealers could learn from this! Those bastards are quick to blame every other cog in the machine thats for sure...

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    More of a danger possibly is having multiple suppressors in different calibers all sharing same thread size. Somewhere along the line bad shit is going to happen if you don’t check suppressor is correct one for a particular firearm. In this case the vendor at least got caliber right. As said before some threads are a close match for others and mistakes can be made. Owner’s responsibility to check everything before use.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    I have one suppressor that fits all my 14x1 rifles. Its a 30 cal suppressor. The biggest rifle I have that will take a suppressor is 6.5mm so no chance of fuk ups there, and a doubt there would be much of a sound difference noticable unless your using some good quality sound measuring gear which hunters and deer or goats dont carry around with them.

  4. #94
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    Northern Gaul (Pukekohe)
    Frankly the title is misleading and the discussion seems to have multiple threads all going.

    Talk about confusing.

    Hope it doesn't match the 100 odd pages (any other old buggers remember exact total?) that the old 2002-2005 FishnHunt forum had whinging about the blue stores.
    Tahr and rugerman like this.
    Welcome to Sako club.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dogmatix View Post
    Frankly the title is misleading and the discussion seems to have multiple threads all going.

    Talk about confusing.

    Hope it doesn't match the 100 odd pages (any other old buggers remember exact total?) that the old 2002-2005 FishnHunt forum had whinging about the blue stores.
    Its like attending a neurodiversity conference

    That old thread was a shocker.
    rugerman and Shamus_ like this.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
    - Rumi

  6. #96
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by blip View Post
    So after following this thread and seeing some interesting opinions I thought Id throw it out there. So who is ultimatley resposible for checking your gear? You they guy at the gun shop, someone else? And do check your purchases when tou get home or just take someone elses word for it that everythings all good? Me I check my own gear even if its brand new.
    That is a good question, but I think it is hard to give it a simple answer, Mrs longshot has a FAL, but as good of a woman as she is, I don’t think she would be able to confirm with confidence that a suppressor thread was the correct thread or necessarily notice if it was wrong. That’s my gut feeling on it.

    I have had a minor issue myself where I could feel a new suppressor gauling as I started screwing it on, the threads on the rifle in question needed further attention, I might have been able to argue it wasn’t my fault, but fault was neither here nor there, I was focused on making it work for hunting deer rather than witches. I mention it because it demonstrates that even though I thought I knew my stuff, I got caught out by a blind spot.

    For a different but comparable perspective, I think we would all agree that if a mechanic fitted an incorrect oil filter and it fell off because it had the wrong thread, the owner of car doesn’t or shouldn’t have to own or wear that mistake.
    But if I went into Repco and asked for a filter for a 1990 Corolla, and they sold me the wrong one resulting in a seized motor, I would imagine it would be hard work for me to put liability on Repco.

    Probably the best answer we can get is that you would hope the shop gets it right, but even without motive, when abundant opportunity meets human hands, error is only a matter of time.
    rugerman and yeah_na_missed like this.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Jan 2025
    just here , at present
    That old thread on the old forum was my favourite
    dogmatix likes this.
    too old to die young

  8. #98
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    I got a rifle n suppressor awhile back...but wrong suppressor so didn't fit...easy mistake as chap had two identical cans with different threads. I've got two identical cans with same thread but different calibre.very very careful if I take bigger cartridge to get can with bigger hole in end lol. Typing that,I may just do a colour code wrap of insulation tape on one rifle n can to remove possibility of cock up.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    I got a rifle n suppressor awhile back...but wrong suppressor so didn't fit...easy mistake as chap had two identical cans with different threads. I've got two identical cans with same thread but different calibre.very very careful if I take bigger cartridge to get can with bigger hole in end lol. Typing that,I may just do a colour code wrap of insulation tape on one rifle n can to remove possibility of cock up.
    It can happen, luckily when I did it, the thread mismatch was enough to realise immediately and it was a bigger caliber suppressor on a smaller caliber rifle. But the upshot was I wasn't using that rifle on that trip. To avoid that inconvenience alone, everything is now marked for numbering by colors.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  10. #100
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Jan 2020
    My DPT has the thread marked on it. My Gunworks does not and I just had to look up the receipt to remind me what thread it has and have now added that into my spreadsheet along with lots of other important data.
    Happy Jack.

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Southern Alps
    Quote Originally Posted by Happy Jack View Post
    My DPT has the thread marked on it. My Gunworks does not and I just had to look up the receipt to remind me what thread it has and have now added that into my spreadsheet along with lots of other important data.
    Gunworks have my thread size on file beside my rifle ID number.

  12. #102
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    If you go into a shop and buy a suppressed rifle as a package - which the OP did, it is the shop's duty to get it right.

    The end.
    Trout, tetawa, rugerman and 3 others like this.

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Yes, when purchasing a rifle package one would expect everything to be fitted correctly. In this case a staff member made a mistake. The manager of outlet took ownership of the problem and rectified it. He also stated the employee would be mortified by his mistake. Mistakes can and do happen. We’ve all made them. If you haven’t either you haven’t done much in life or you’ve probably got selective memory. The trick is to own your mistakes and learn from them.

  14. #104
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    Jan 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Trout View Post
    Gunworks have my thread size on file beside my rifle ID number.
    I'm guessing they do for mine too since they did the work, but it would still help if it was stamped on the suppressor somewhere, especially if you have more than one of theirs.
    Trout likes this.
    Happy Jack.

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Dec 2020
    50% of my guns are from GC, the rest 50% are from various vendors around the country including mail orders. GC purchases are fine so far.
    Trout and Growlybear like this.



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