Picked up my new bang stick this morning. Looking forward to getting her down the range for a go. This was my 40th present from my better half, she's a keeper for sure. Will put a flash new scope on it next but the Burris will do in the meantime.
Never had a pig before so thought why not better follow the trend. . . .
338fed on a r93
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Looks good Abe, you going to try any of the Lehigh subsonic projectiles?
Probably not mate don't think had a play with subs once and not for me she's full house loads here with 210 Barnes
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
“For us hunting wasn’t a sport. It was a way to be intimate with nature, that intimacy providing us with wild unprocessed food free from pesticides and hormones and with the bonus of having been produced without the addition of great quantities of fossil fuel. . . . . . . . We lived close to the animals we ate. We knew their habits and that knowledge deepened our thanks to them and the land that made them.”
― Ted Kerasote, Merle's Door: Lessons from a Freethinking Dog
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
Bloody nice looking scrub rifle![]()
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive