One of the first calibres I ever wanted was a 25/06. Flat shooting, not too big and boofy, and only a shade off a 270.
I Had a 243 semi that let me down and ended up with a Winchester 70 also in 243 and that was that.
They did an article in rod and rifle years ago about a kit rifle in 2506. Stock had to be finished off from memory. It got good write up's as a calibre which fuelled the fire a little
Mind you I also heard quite a few stories of the legendary 250-3000 from some good old hunters and thought "well it cant be too bad, its even quicker". Yanks like them too.
A relative of mine who's shot a lot of deer went from a 270 to a 2506 and didn't mind at all at least initially
After all that I also have a thing for 7mm rem mags and 7-08. Missed out on a mag once and never tried again so I obviously don't always get what I want.
I do have a 416 rem mag though lol
Just not one of the popular calibres in NZ when there are so many around that are just as capable-now more than ever.