Bloody lovely rifle mate
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How heavy is it
Stunning rifle Dreamer, masterpiece!
5.7 x 28mm...... so nice to shoot.... 20 round mags...
It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary
First venture into a rifle chassis.
Rem 700 in 22-250
Had the rifle for a while, just put it into a MDT Oryx chassis.
Sent from my SM-A505GN using Tapatalk
1922 Winchester 95 in .303 British - New to me.
Shoots Awesome.
I held that Blazer in my hands last Monday.Woow so light,buitifull little rifle.
I remember at the Tahr show in chch years ago,i put a blazer rifle in my wifes hand.She said this is a nice rifle,she asked the sales rep how much it was/He said 17K,my wife nearly dropped it. I quickly grabbed it and gave it back to the sales rep.