my new 300norma mag buillt by greg!~
New to me. Pretty much mint, unfired Sako A1 Vixen .222 with lovely wood. This has been in my mates collection for a while and finally let it go.
A little safe love mark here but bore is mint and action smooth. This is my 4th vixen and without a doubt the best I have seen.
I had two guys try to buy it from me before I even left the store when collecting!
@mcche171 that is exquisite![]()
Remington Rolling Block Baby Carbine
Sporting rifle carbine
No1 1/2 action in 44 WCF aka 44-40
20" barrel
5 1/2 pounds
Totally original and all the correct parts and numbers in the right places
@MSL the images are not great
But this rifle is bloody beautiful and the nicest wee rifle I have ever held
So I'm very excited to get a load sorted and head into some bush with it
My lockdown DMR project.
Kriss DMK22
Fixed Stock
Summit charging handle
Konus 3-12 scope
Strike Industries takedown and pivot pins
Atlas bipod.
Ive just got a 300 RUM going.
I brought quite a nice semi custom rifle off here a while back now. Built on a new and trued up 700 action. Oversized recoil lug, Calvin Elite trigger, Hi-tec CF stock, T2 brake etc.
For the bits it had the price was very cheap, i didnt care for the chambering it was in and my plan was always to rebarrel it to 338 edge.
Thought id use it as it was for a bit, have some fun with it until the original barrel was done.
Long story short i could not get it to shoot, with either the original owners load or even doing my own load development. It got a little better after 3 days of almost non stop carbon cleaning. Holy shit did some carbon come out of it!
Still wouldnt shoot anywhere near good enough for a LR rifle, so off with the custom barrel and its now holding up a tomato plant.
A good bugger on here gave me a factory 700 300 RUM barrel that hadnt done much work and some brass.
So gave it all to my father in law to fit the barrel for me. Due to the oversized recoil lug and the trued up action ut wasnt just a matter of screwing on the 700 factory barrel, the headspace was obviously out.
So he had to put it in the lathe and take a bit off the shoulder by the tenon thread to get the headspace in spec.
It all came up good.
I loaded up a ladder with 210gr bergers and 2225 from 89gr to 94.5gr.
At the top load of 94.5gr i got the first tiny sign of excess pressure with a tiny click at the top of the bolt lift, with a velocity of 3,201 fps.
It really seems to like 92.5gr to 93.5gr for around 3,130 fps with 3 shots in one ragged hole.
My FIL ran a reamer thru the T2 brake to clearance it for 30 cal and the recoil is very tamn for a 7 lb rifle pushing a 210gr pill with 90+ gr of powder.
Looking forward to poking a 210gr into a deer at range now.
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My newest weapon,
Bergara B14 Extreme Hunter in 6.5PRC, with a Nightforce NX8 (4-32) on top and a DPT hanging off the end. I managed to grab two boxes of Norma factory ammo so I'll have to make it last. Looking forward to taking it to the range and seeing what it can do.
Quick teaser on a Savage mk2 project I've been messing with this last week or so, will do a build thread on it at some point.
@Mintie nice rifle, did you drill and tap the stock to get that picatinny to screw on? I am wanting something similar on a .22 I have that is a synthetic stock.