@MSL what height talleys are those to fit the 42mm? Objective.
"O what a day, what a lovely day"
I must be a lucky man then
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Life is hanging from a thread which is in the hands of Immigration NZ but that doesn't stop me from picking up guns where-ever how-ever I can. I love Diana52s. Picked this one from a friend who has moved to dark side (PCPs) and think of springers as obsolete tech. Good for me. Presenting Diana 52 .177 T05
What caliber and what trigger @veitnamcam ?
Maybe I can help creating some space in your safeIf and when I am there
Though these are best suited for .22 but I guess we can shoot heavy. .177s. I plan to do some testing with various heavy pellets next month. This is my 3rd 52, previous 2 were .22. I guess apart from HW80 this is the best springer one can buy to shoot .22s.
I plan to bring my .22 to NZ. Lets see if I am able to do that. Best of luck for your mate for new house and FAL renewal.
I f you find a Meopta MeoPro scope, buy it! Still one of my favorites and since Meopta replaced them they are selling for more than their original retail price. Worth every penny! It's one of those items, if you think about it to long, someone else will snatch it out from under you.
My new baby! It's new to me; not new.... A BSA 1916 .303 SHTLE III* (FTR) Rifle; now sporting a Nikon 3-9x scope! Going to be so cool hunting with 106-year old rifle!
Not new or awesome powder burners like others in this thread but just wanted to post pics. My Long range .177 rig, HW97.
@Inder What's involved in obtaining a firearm licence in India?