Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
Mauser M12 in 308 topped with a 3-9x40 Zeiss Conquest MC with A4 reticle.
Not going to suppressor this one. Will be the general purpose rifle that does everything.
It took a long time to get this thing going right, but it's there, thanks to a few talented gunsmiths and engineers who have fabricated, fixed, and modified parts.
SSRNZ single shot. 28" Brux barrel chambered in 338 Edge. Topped with an Element Titan. T4 brake does a great job taming the recoil. 285gr ELD-M doing 2850.
Complete with mall ninja multicam tape for a bit of extra grip up front, and an LSA clone bipod mounted backwards to put the legs further forward and make the locking lever as hard to reach as possible.
Resident 6.5 Grendel aficionado.
Pre 64 win 94 30-30.
All original, with all its bits and an immaculate bore. I foolishly sold one in 2020 to a forum member, and almost instantly regretted it. So now I’m good again.
Crappy dark photo, but this one is an 1892 Winchester in 32-20, tidiest one I’ve seen. Was offered this one also but not my thing.
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Serial number. But also, the internal parts are machined rather than stamped sheet or cast. And the sights are a bit more refined.
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that .32/20 is a lovely rifle..would be a pleasure to own something like that..I know just the place to use it too..NO I do not have funds to purchase it.
75/15/10 black powder matters
A couple of examples from Austria.
Iv wanted an Ultralight for many years but by the time I could afford one they had stopped production and became hard to fine. This one in 222Rem in 9 twist performs flawlessly.
Iv had an HMR from very early on, starting with an anschutz 1517, moved to a Weihrauch HW60 for a grown up full sized rifle which was a far better and now to a Steyr zephry II. Full sized but a little lighter than the weihrauch.
Just a slopy retrobate
New to me via the Forum, a Bergara BA13 in 308 with a Burris Fullfield 2.5-10x42 currently sitting in shitty rings coz I broke the leupold ones while mounting the scope (doesnt know his own strength). DPT mini centrefire up front, to make a nice reliable and compact rifle for a quite short tall person.
Nothing fancy but I've wanted this setup for a while but the piggybank has been empty when the deals have come up.
The Forum has provided both items recently and Roktoy has his new toy.
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New 6.5 PRC barrel for the R8, and an A-Tec H2 can with one module removed, and a brake cap fitted. Running 156 EOL’s.
I needed to do a bit of a barrel break in and zero the scope, so some best guess rounds off Quickload got me going.
I’m mulling over chopping it 2”.
We’re off to Dublin for Xmas / NY, so won’t be doing any more till we’re back.