Howdy all
I want to buy a 7.62x39 detachable magazine fed bolt action rifle based on the Lee Enfield.
I know this has been done in the UK,the original barrel and AK magazines were used I believe.
Could be a good seller.
Howdy all
I want to buy a 7.62x39 detachable magazine fed bolt action rifle based on the Lee Enfield.
I know this has been done in the UK,the original barrel and AK magazines were used I believe.
Could be a good seller.
not sure i understand the point .... if you want a 7.62 x39 in bolt action just buy one if you want to convert a .303 just rechamber , modify the boltface and modify the mag so it takes the shorter round (the added benefit of running heavier slugs)thru a .312 barrel
I had an old beater No1Mk3 that had the barrel set back, rechambered in x39, and fed from a mini 30 magazine.
[EDIT:] Either way you'll be screwed by the big mags with new law coming in. Setting one up inside a modified LE 10 round might be the go, esp if you can use strippers into it
Identify your target beyond all doubt
You may soon find that any capacity AK magazines will be banned. Irrespective if it is for a modified bolt action.
Welcome to Sako club.
The way things are going, writing "BANG" on a piece of paper will be illegal soon
Identify your target beyond all doubt
If you want to advantages of both, buy a bullet puller. Load .303 cartridges to 7.62x39 power with all the pleasant advantages of this.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
yip lets all get on the internet and help create more loopholes to give the powers that be more reasons to restrict stuff.... what you suggest has been done many times before,heck the lee enfield has been chopped n changed into just about everthing with a primer......
keep youe head below the parapet for awhile as there are many out there with high power glassware just looking for something else to take a pot shot at..... lets NOT make it any easier than we have to????
I am going to exercise tongue biting technique from now on.
Use enough gun